Liberia: GOL Constructs Bailey Bridge in River Gee

The Government of Liberia (GOL) through the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) has begun construction for a bridge over River Nur in Joquiken, a densely populated gold mining community in River Gee County.

Report from the county says the iron bridge, which was originally constructed back in 1974, linking Grand Kru and River Gee Counties.

Grand Kru Superintendent Doris Ylatun narrated that the construction of the bailey bridge is in response to several appeals from locals and businesspeople, requesting central government to come to their immediate aid.

She said in finding positive solution aimed at addressing the plights of citizens, her office and that of River Gee Superintendent Philip Nyumah wrote a communication to legislative caucuses of both counties, which led government to order the construction of the bridge.

Madam Ylatun said that the old bridge was a complete hazard and death trap in the area, thereby stalling agriculture and economic activities.

She disclosed that Public Works engineer on the ground has assured that the bailey bridge will be completed in one month.

She said when completed, it will make significant impact on the lives of citizens residing in the two counties

For his part, River Gee County Superintendent Philip Nyumah said the bridge will serve as a major link to other counties and bring relief to the people of Grand Kru and River Gee, especially local farmers and commercial drivers.

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