Rwanda: 95 Victims of MRCD-FLN Terror Attacks Narrate Ordeal

Ninety-five people who were affected by the 2018 and 2019 terror attacks by the MRCD-FLN outfit have, in written form, narrated the ordeal they went through and the hardship they still face today as a result of what happened to them.

In a memorandum that they all signed and addressed to Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State who is visiting Rwanda this week, they shed light on the collective and personal losses, including the death of 11 loved ones, 3 of whom were children.

"Among those killed were 4 parents who were the sole providers of the families," the document reads.

It goes on to share how some of the people were killed and how their families are finding it hard to cope.

"Hillarie Mukabahizi (45 years old), murdered in the attack on a bus in the Nyungwe forest, was a single mother of five who are now orphaned. Anatole Maniraho (33 years old) was ordered to lie down and was shot and killed instantly. He left behind his pregnant wife and his child, now a toddler, will grow up without a father.

"Isaac Niwenshuti (17 years old) was on his way to visit his father and was killed and burnt beyond recognition in the bus attack. His family was only able to identify him through DNA testing," the document cites some examples of the murders and their effects.

Memorandum of Victims of FLN by The New Times on Scribd

The victims called upon the US government to support them in their quest for justice, especially in terms of assisting them to obtain the compensations that the court awarded them during the case's verdict.

"The court-ordered compensation to the victims has yet to materialize, leaving some of us in a dire financial situation. We are aware that some of the perpetrators of terrorism in our communities have assets in the United States.

"In line with its stated commitment, we hope for the US Government to support our quest for remedial justice. This, we believe, will send a strong message that the US supports victims of terrorism and is committed to holding perpetrators of terrorism fully accountable for their actions," the document reads.

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