Liberia: WASSCE Results Show Liberian Students Performed Better in English, Mathematics and Biology

Monrovia — The provisional results from the just ended 2022 West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) has been released with Liberian students performing better in English, Mathematics and Biology unlike before.

The partial result shows that more works are still ongoing by the West African Examination Council Liberia office (WAEC)

Currently, investigations, according to the Head of National Office of WAEC Dale Gbotoe are ongoing for some students who colluded as well as carried out other educational Malpractices.

"Some students results are being withheld for diverse reasons pending the outcome from various investigation", The WAEC boss said.

Due to ongoing investigations of all forms, outstanding schools and students were not identified not until the finalization of the Investigation, Mr. Gbotoe emphasized.

The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates was administered at 334 centers in the fifteen counties from May 31 to June 17, 2022.

According to the WAEC boss, The overall performance of the candidates at the passing rate of at least a subject on the Examination is encouraging as compared to their counterparts who sat the same examination nationally for the first time in 2018.

He said Nine subjects were offered on the examination with the Arts candidates sitting for seven of the nine subjects while the Science candidates sat a minimum of eight of the nine subjects.

Meanwhile, Grand Kru and Rivercess Counties were singled out as the two Counties where all of their students and or candidates who sat the exams passed.

To have a successful pass of WASSCE, a candidate is expected to pass at least one Subject.

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