Ghana Skolars Crowned 2022 Rugby League Champions

Ghana Skolars Rugby League Club have been crowned champions of the 2022 Men's 13s Rugby League Championship, following a 22-18 victory over rivals Bulls RLFC in the finals played at the University of Ghana, Ajax Park.

The defending league champions Skolars, right from the start of the game, showed determination in carrying the day as they took the lead in the first half with an Elvis Ayertey early try.

Not willing to be outdone, the Bulls RLFC gave a quick response through Hakeem Sugri after missing one earlier to end the first half four points apiece.

Back from recess, the Bulls RLFC took the lead through Desmond Geotrah with a successful conversion. However, that joy was short-lived as Skolars replied with three tries and a conversion.

The Bulls came back stronger earning 8 points by the 78th minute through Nigel Sackey skipper Collins Ofosu with a conversion by Abdul Rahman Moussa to bring the scores even at 18-18 by the 80th minute.

When all was pointing to a drawn game, Skolars RLC had to dig into their rich reservoir of experience, prowess and aggression to make a golden try in the dying minutes of the extra time to snatch victory from the jaws of Bulls RLFC, ending the game 22-18 in their favour.

The Marketing and Brands Manager of the Rugby League Federation Ghana (RLFG) Daniel Oko Djanie, congratulated Skolars RLC for the feat - describing their resilience to go for the ultimate as catalyst for their success in the league once again.

He used the opportunity to express his appreciation to their sponsors, stating that without them the league would not have been a success.

"The Rugby League is young here in Ghana and for the game to grow and have a great impact on the youth, there will be the need for more support from corporate Ghana and philanthropists alike and I want to call on corporate bodies and individuals to come to the aid of the sport to help it grow."

He disclosed that the national team would be participating in the Middle East-Africa Rugby League Championship (MEA) September 27 to October 2 and further pleaded for support for the team from corporate Ghana and philanthropists to get them ready for the task ahead.

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