Liberia: River Cess Lawmakers Applaud Students' High WASSCE Performance

River Cess County Legislative Caucus has hailed senior high students of the County for their academic accomplishment in the just-ended West African Senior Secondary Certificate Exams (WASSCE).

The Caucus through its Chairperson Dr. Rosanna G.D.H Schaack said legislators heavily invested three months' salaries for five teachers in the Sciences at the Cestos High School at the beginning of this academic year.

River Cess, accordingly, sent 50 students to sit the WASSCE this year. The number included 29 boys and 21 girls.

All of the girls passed, but one boy failed, thus constituting a hundred percent passage.

She congratulated the County Education Officer, District Education Officers, teachers and students of River Cess County for reaching the top scores this year.

The River Cess County lawmaker also congratulated the parents and guardians who have supported their children's education in attaining such an academic feat.

"On behalf of the River Cess Legislative Caucus and in my own name, as Representative of Electoral District #1, I congratulate the CEO, DEOs, all of our teachers and students of River Cess County," she said.

"I also congratulate the parents and guardians who have supported our students in reaching the top scores this year," the lawmaker continued.

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is Africa's foremost examining board established by law to determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries.

It is tasked to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally.

WASSCE was administered at 334 centers in the 15 counties from 31 May to 17 June 2022.

The overall performance of the candidates at the passing rate of at least a subject on the examination is encouraging as compared to their counterparts who sat the same examination nationally for the first time in 2018. Nine subjects were offered on the examination with the Arts candidates sitting for seven of the nine subjects while the Science candidates sat for a minimum of eight of the nine subjects.

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