Liberia: JFK in Mass Burial At Du-Port Road Cemetery

The administration of the John F. Kennedy Hospital has admitted to carrying out improper burial at Du-port Road-JCN Howard Cemetery in Voker Mission Community, Paynesville City, outside Monrovia, leading to pollution of the community.

Recent investigation discovered that illegal mass burial was being carried out at the Duport Road- JCN Howard Cemetery in Voker Mission Community by the JFK hospital.

This suspicious act was reported by community leaders after huge pollution took over the community.

Community dwellers had invited journalists to the scene, after they noticed a strange vehicle with license plate number B11276 offloaded several bags of dead bodies at the cemetery on Friday, August 5, 2022, led by a man identified as Seh Kamara, believed to be manager of the graveyard.

When contacted, Mr. Kamara referred journalists to the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.

The Chief Administrator of JFK, Dr. Jerry Brown admitted to the mass and improper burial carried out at the JCN Howard Cemetery and apologized to residents of the community.

However, Dr. Brown noted that those responsible to ensure that overstayed or amputated body parts at the hospital are properly buried did not follow authorized procedures.

He promised to take administrative action against those responsible and to disinfect the cemetery in a week's time.

Dr. Brown also held a brief meeting with residents of the Voker Mission Community, who wholeheartedly accepted his apology and asked the hospital to spray the cemetery.

The Chairman of the community, Boye Nehwon, who spoke on behalf of residents, thanked Dr. Jerry Brown and the entire JFK team for admitting to the act. He, however, lamented the deplorable congestion of the cemetery and stressed the need to have it relocated.

The community chairman blamed authorities of the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC) for the incident and called for immediate closure of the cemetery to avoid reoccurrence.

Most cemeteries in and around Monrovia are congested and poorly kept thus, threatening public health. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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