Ghana: Nana Fianko III Installed Akuapem Adonten Tufuhene of Aburi

Aburi — The Chwintohene, Nana Yaw Fianko III was over the weekend installed as the new Akuapem AdontenTufuhene of Aburi in the Eastern Region.

After the necessary traditional and customary rites were performed, the chief of Aburi, who doubles as the Adontenhene of Akuapem, Otoobuor Djan Kwesi II, conferred the title of AkuapemAdontenTufuhene on the current chief of Chwinto, Nana Yaw Fianko III, whom he described as a true son of Akuapem.

Nana Yaw Fianko III swore an oath of allegiance and secrecy to Otoobuor Djan Kwesi II saying "I will heed to your call at any point in time to serve. This I will do whether rain or shine unless I am dead or bed ridden with ailment."

Accompanying the Chwintohene, were some traditional leaders as well as some key elders of Chwinto and surrounding communities including the Queen Mother of AdjenKotoku, Nana YaaAhumbea III who were officially introduced to the OtoobuorDjanKwesi III and his Kingsmen after which they each swore the oath of allegiance.

The Paramount Chief of the Aburi-Akuapem Traditional Area urged the New Akuapem Adonten Tufuhene, to hold his new role in high esteem whiles serving with transparency.

Speaking to the media, Nana Yaa AhumbeaIII, expressed joy at the installation of Nana Yaw Fianko III as AkuapemAdontenTufuhene, saying; "it's a well-deserved elevation".

She further stated that, Chwintohene's elevation did not come as a surprise at all, because Nana Yaw Fianko's tenure as chief of Chwinto, has seen tremendous and unprecedented developments within Chwinto and its surrounding areas.

Nana YaaAhumbea admonished Nana Fianko to embrace this new role with all diligence, humility and dedication and also see this new role as rather that of service to humanity.

In response, Nana Yaw Fiankopaid tribute to Otoobuor Djan Kwesi II reiterating that he and his elders would do everything humanly possible to always guard jealousy, the hard earned reputation of the Akuapems.

"My family and I are very grateful to Otoobuor Djan Kwesi II for this installation to high service and in return, I shall work and serve Akuapeman with sincerity in order for Akuapeman to be a shining example," he stressed.

He also pledged to promote projects aimed at developing Akuapeman to the status it deserves.

Nana Yaw Fianko II advised the youth to take education serious since education plays a key role in the life of the individual as well as inuring to the economic benefit of nations of which Ghana is no exception.

"Let's continue to live with oneness and unity and development will follow," he stated.

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