Liberia: White House Receives Praises for Inviting Pres. Weah.

The President and Founder of the Jonahsa Foundation, Mr. Jonah Barcon applauded the US Government for inviting the Liberian Leader to the upcoming US-Africa Summit adding that, such is an opportunity for the Nation.

Barcon said the invitation is not only for President Weah, but it is for the people of Liberia to have the opportunity to tell their story to world.

This is the first time for President George M. Weah to be invited by the President of the United States of America since the inception of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)- led government more than four years ago.

As President of Liberia, Weah has only been in the United States of America three times to attend the United Nations General Assembly something, some critics say the Weah government lacks the strong diplomatic ties the United States Government had with the Liberian Government in the past years.

Speaking at Liberia's 175th Independence Day program at the Centennial Pavilion recently, United States Ambassador to Liberia Michael McCarthy disclosed to President Weah that the US President Joe Biden has invited his presence at the upcoming US-Africa Summit.

"So Mr. President, please allow me to reiterate that President Biden would be honored for you to accept his invitation to attend the U.S. - Africa Leaders' Summit in Washington, DC in December. It will be a fitting end to an amazing year for Liberia," Ambassador McCarthy disclosed.

But, in a conversation with the media practitioners over the weekend, the Liberian humanitarian called on President Weah to seize that moment with his American Counterpart to talk about the successes and challenging stories currently confronting the Country.

" I see this as an advocacy come true, because since President Weah's ascendancy, I have always called on the U.S to give Liberia an invitation to the White House", Barcon added.

He noted that, leaders from across the African continent are expected to gather in Washington, DC on December 13-15, 2022, for the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit which he stated, will demonstrate the United States' enduring commitment to Africa, and will underscore the importance of US-Africa relations and increase cooperation on shared global priorities.

He thanked Ambassador Michael McCarthy, for working along with the Government of Liberia to achieve this milestone under his watch.

Meanwhile, Barcon is appealing to partners, especially Dr. Moore a true supporter grassroots students in Liberia, to build Libraries for underprivileged Liberian students in the Country.

He said the Libraries when constructed, will bring relief to hundreds of underprivileged struggling students who cannot afford to buy reading books and have access to internet and computer programs.

Barcon wants at least 10 Libraries built in three of Liberia's poorer counties, he named Montserrado, Grand Bassa, and Margibi Counties.

" We are calling on our donors, in particular, Dr. Moore to help us with the construction of few Libraries for our children across the Country". He asserted

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