Liberia: Officials Linked to Maltreatment At Huiren Mining

Margibi county — Citizens of electoral district#3, Bong County employed with HUIREN Mining Inc operating in Gbarmue have accused Representative Josiah Marvin Cole and Bong County Police Superintendent Fasue Sheriff of maltreating them.

Speaking to reporters at HUIREN Mining Inc they explained that the two officials are responsible for their suffering, underpayment and marginalization at the company.

They lamented that chief superintendent Fasue Sheriff whose company was contracted by the company to provide security services is deliberately underpaying them.

According to them, Superintendent Sheriff provides them no incentive contrary to what they had been paid by the HUIREN Mining Inc before he took over the security of the company.

Additionally, they narrated that before the Bong County Police Chief was subcontracted, the Chinese company had been paying them US$170.00, but after taking over, he immediately reduced their salary to US$70.00 and dismissed some of their colleagues who resisted the amount.

The citizens similarly accused Representative Cole of always quietly going to the company and allegedly receiving huge sums of money, while ignoring their plight.

The citizens are specifically residents of Gbarmue, Matthew Village, Banama, Jackson village and Kpaah respectively, all of District# 3.

Some residents of Gbarmue accused Representative Cole and other officials of the county of taking to them to the HUIREN Mining Inc, which they said is doing nothing in terms of social benefits.

Investigation by our reporter also indicates that Representative Marvin Cole has a share in the company.

When contacted, Police Chief Superintendent Fasue Sheriff could neither deny nor confirm his involvement in any of the issues levied against him by the citizens.

However, he promised to have responded to the accusation at a later date. When this reporter followed up, Superintendent Sheriff told him to proceed with his report.

For his part, Representative Josiah Marvin Cole asked our reporter to follow him at his district office in Gbarnga, Bong County where he would have responded, but could did not live up to his words. He did not respond to several calls placed to him. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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