Ghana: Feuding Functions in Techiman South NDC Smoke Peace Pipe

Techiman — The Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has amicably solved an internal issue with the party.

The FEC recently became aware of some internal divisions and disagreements leading to conflict among executives of the Techiman South Constituency and some leading party officials in the Bono East Region.

The executives smoked a peace pipe to bring an end to their differences.

In a statement issued by Asiedu Nketia, the General Secretary of the NDC, said

following recent disturbances in the constituency which were brought to the party's attention, it tasked a high-powered delegation to meet all the feuding factions with the aim of amicably resolving all disputes to foster peace, unity and camaraderie among comrades in the Techiman South Constituency.

It said a constructive dialogue aimed at brokering peace and togetherness within the party's front in that constituency was organised and the National Leadership of the NDC strongly condemned the said tribal and ethnocentric comments and advised all feuding factions to eschew and desist from such conduct in consonance with the identity of the party as a nationalistic congress which was founded on the values of equity, fairness and inclusiveness.

"After carefully examining allegations and counter allegations of bribery and misapplication of party funds made by the feuding factions against each other, the leadership established the said allegations were founded on hearsay and mere suspicion fueled by detractors in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in order to destabilise our front in the Techiman South constituency.

"The investigations proved allegations against the Bono East regional chairman, the Techiman South constituency chairman, NDC's 2020 parliamentary candidate for Techiman South and Techiman South Constituency Women Organiser to the effect they have been compromised are false," the statement said.

The statement said the national leadership of the party had placed a ban on public discussions on the issues and circulation of audio recordings pertaining to Techiman South Constituency by executives and the rank and file of the party.

It admonished constituency executives of Techiman South to work together with united sense of purpose, accord maximum respect to the regional secretariat of the party to painstakingly educate and sensitise feuding factions on various structures, hierarchy of authority and roles within the party set-up.

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