Liberia: Weah Risks Relationship With Uncle Sam, If...

"I don't think that President Weah's decision is sufficient, you do not clean dirt by putting it on the side because the wind will blow and bring it back, they should be dismissed. When you suspend people it means they would come back, we do not want them in government, they are being so reckless and insensitive to the feelings of the Liberian people," Tiawon Gongloe former president of the LNBA.

Cllr. Gongloe asserted that President Weah is risking his relationship with the United States, and if those sanctioned officials are not dismissed, there will be a campaign to have the American Government withdraws their invitation to him (Weah) because he does not deserve going to Washington D.C.

Day after the US Treasury Department of State sanctioned three officials of the Weah's administration; the Liberian head of state immediately suspended these officials to have them face unspecified investigation.

Cllr. Gongloe mentioned that: "Whether the President conducts investigation is not going to change anything. Does he know the duration of the sanction, is he the one that imposes the sanction; it is the American Government that imposed the sanction. You can only talk about suspension when you know the duration of the sanction."

"This is the first of its kind for the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Managing Director of the National Port Authority and the Solicitor General to be sanctioned not even under the Taylor's regime," he said.

He furthered that these officials of government are not indispensable hence, they must be held accountable and prosecuted for undermining the country's image.

Gongloe indicated that these officials of government have made the country's national treasury like a fishing net that cannot hold water.

Last year, when he was president of the LNBA he pleaded with the international community to sanction and place travel restrictions on corrupt individuals in every sector of government.

"The President response is so weak, there is a strong possibility that Liberia might be sanctioned by the US and every one of us will feel it, and we do not want that to happen; we are going to pressure him to do the honorable thing," the former LNBA head noted.

Meanwhile, Gongloe lauded the action of the United States, noting that it is the beginning of cleaning Liberia saying, "I am happy that the American Government is helping to clean the dirt in our government."


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