Liberia: Managing Our Environment for Secured Future


One does not have to be a holy angel nor a rocky scientist to come to term with the ever-changing dramatic manner and form in which the global environment is shockingly unfolding; and with the scientifically-driven trends being portrayed of which Liberia is profoundly an integral part and parcel, it is imperative now than ever before, that we adopt and subscribe to all protocols and joint-cooperation with other well-meaning nations, to protect and save our environment from the looming disaster.

Equally so, it has been a proven reality that the whole world exists now as a 'global village in which the proximity of natural calamities with native impact on the advancement in growth and developments, without a second thought, becomes a shared obligation and responsibility for all without playing the blame-game.

With the warning sign very visible, handwriting pasted on the wall along with the wake-up call sounding loud and clear, it is much more challenging that we in Liberia, apart from dilly-dallying on a such critical task, time to immediately roll up our sleeves as a people collectively, and put in serious additional work on the national platform in managing our environment for a secured future; in order to avoid being caved into setting the stage for our own catastrophically-prone political lynching party.

Let us not be fooled into thinking that when the rain falls it only falls on the specific or selective class of people therefore, in view of the existing desperate reality whose disaster knows no border, creed, color and status; we must without hesitation, begin to honestly and sincerely do everything positively to universally protect and save our respective environments.

To manage our environment in a special way in order to secure its future, we must inclusively feature the management of wetland ecosystems, giving a substantial contribution to biodiversity conservation and restoration.

Considering the naturally deep-rooted cause and effect with a scientific posture, it is also and maybe actualized with a holistically multidisciplinary strategy. The variation of management strategy may be caused by a more different urban wetland area with various levels of success.

In the same vein, Climate Change is adversely affecting all parts of the earth. There have been dramatic increases in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) globally since the industrial revolution of the 19th century. The planet warms faster as more GHGs are added to the earth's atmosphere.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, expressing the global scientific consensus, warns that "global net human-caused emissions of CO2 need to fall by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching 'net zero' around 2050.

Again, forest management is a set of strategies employed by professionals that aim to protect vital ecosystems. Forest management professionals closely monitor the health and potential risks of ecosystems to protect not only the flora and fauna of that ecosystem but also the people who live near a protected area.

If you have an interest in protecting the environment, you might enjoy a career in forest management. In this editorial, that is why we elected to briefly discuss some basic strategies of forest management along with some of the benefits of using this system

We must always remember without any form of delay to protect and save our environment, because our environment, our nation, and our future, is our binding responsibility and obligation to manage it with all unique care and courtesy for now and generations unborn.

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