Ghana: MoGCSP Launches Early Childhood Development Campaign

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) has launched an Early Childhood Development (ECD) campaign, in Accra, to promote quality care giving practices for children aged eight and below.

Dubbed "I WILL," the campaign is in partnership with the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Ghana Health Service and Ghana Education Service.

The campaign is to promote an integrated approach to ECD communication and ensure that all children within the targeted ages, especially the most vulnerable, survive, thrive, and develop their maximum potentials.

According to a statement issued by the MOGCSP, the campaign, was designed to help address the challenges associated with the care of children between the targeted ages.

It is also to serve as a rallying call for parents, guardians and other stakeholders to increase their commitment towards the development of children in their early years of life, while acknowledging the power they have to ensure desired outcomes.

The statement said the campaign was structured to give parents and stakeholders an opportunity to pledge their commitment to implementing desirable behaviours which would facilitate effective early childhood development in Ghana.

Series of activities including media engagements, would be undertaken to sensitise the public about the campaign and ECD issues.

The statement stated that the campaign would also involve community engagements to sensitise communities and solicit support for its implementation, orientation and training of relevant stakeholders as well as digital promotion on various platforms.

It said the campaign would employ communication package including posters, flashcards, counselling cards, as well as a facilitation guide.

"These materials provide relevant information on ECD to help improve the knowledge and skills of parents and stakeholders to support optimal development of children in their early childhood period.," the statement said.

It added that "the materials are available at the offices of the Department of Children, Ghana Health Service, Ghana Education Service, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Community Development, UNICEF Ghana's CSO partners implementing ECD interventions in various communities, and online on the ministry's platforms including the Ghanaians Against Child Abuse (GACA) platform".

In heeding to the clarion call of "leaving no child behind", the statement said, adding that there was a compelling reason to intensify efforts to scale-up ECD interventions to secure a good start for every child.

It called on all shareholders to own and champion the campaign and also mainstream it into all existing ECD programmes.

Photos to provide pix of MsLaribaZuweiraAbudu, Minister of Gender Children and Social Protection designate.

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