Liberia: Two Banks Confirm Freezing Accounts

Liberian President George Weah at a U.S. Embassy event in Monrovia in 2019.

Two banks in Liberia have confirmed the freezing of Bill Tweahey, Sarenus CEPHUS and Nathaniel McGill"s accounts.

Multiple sources at the United BANK for Africa (UBA) and SIB(formerly GN BANK) told New Republic Newspaper that they received an official communication from the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) early Thursday to freeze the accounts of the three officials of government who were this week placed under Sanction by the United States Department of Treasury for corruption.

Bill is the Managing director of the country's largest sea Port_ Free Port of Monrovia_NPA, McGill is the Minister of State for presidential Affairs and CEPHUS is government's Chief prosecutor.

The banks refused to state their account details. ,"It is confidential. We can't disclose the account details", a source at SIB said.

Another source at UBA said: "the accounts of these people were frozen today. We received instructions from FIU and we are under obligation to honor it."

It is not known how long their accounts will be locked.

Following the Sanction, president George Weah Suspended them.

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