Southern Africa: Samia Urges SADC to Throw Weight Behind Food Security, Blue Economy

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President Samia Suluhu Hassan has stressed the importance of regional food security and urged fellow Heads of States of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to invest in the blue economy

The President made the remarks at the 42nd Ordinary SADC Summit being held in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Thursday.

She also highlighted the needs for SADC member states to achieve gender parity noting that apart from having a female President, Tanzania also has quite a number of women in strategic leadership posts

"Tanzania has appointed and elected women to key leadership positions, including senior cabinet posts such as Defence, Foreign Affairs, Tourism, Health Ministries and Speaker of the Parliament," she noted

As a way of promoting Kiswahili language, President Samia delivered her speech in Kiswahili language at the summit.

After attending the SADC summit, President Samia is expected to begin a one day working visit at DRC at the invitation of President Tshisekedi.

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