Ghana: EC's Draft C.i Is Unambiguous - PNC

The People's National Convention (PNC), has described as unambiguous the draft Constitutional Instrument (C.I.) which is expected to regulate the upcoming continuous voter registration exercise.

It has thrown its support for the Ghana Card to be used as the sole identification medium for eligible voters who want to get onto the electoral roll.

Titled: Public Regulations 2021 per the C.I the Electoral Commission (EC) is seeking to make the Ghana Card the sole identification medium for eligible voters who want to get onto the electoral roll.

At a press conference to back calls for the usage of the Ghana Card, Janet Asana Nabla, General Secretary of the PNC, indicated that the processes would be impeccable, thus the public should disregard any attempt by any group to cast aspersions on flaws in the intended processes.

She observed that the EC used Ghana Card, Passport and two guarantors in the absence of the other Identification Cards for the 2020 elections and that register remained valid and what is upcoming is continuous registration and insisted that the EC was not conducting a new registration exercise.

"The EC has assessed and come to a conclusion most potential new voters will have the Ghana Card thereby eliminating the need for calling for either of the previously used multiple identities moreover, the guaranteed system can easily be abused in border areas.

"This is a national policy and like all other systems which have now been changed to register individuals through the Ghana Card, the EC is doing same and it is nothing new and unfounded because new young people coming in have over two years to acquire their Ghana Cards and register to vote.

"The age for the acquisition of the Ghana Card is 16 whilst that for voter registration is 18 giving a whole two-year margin for new voters to acquire Ghana Card moreover, the register will be closed in October 2024, so no one will be disenfranchised," Ms Nabla affirmed.

She asserted that there would also be no new mass reregistration as was done previously, allayed fears of disenfranchisement if the person was already on the register.

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