Ghana: Take Advantage of Investment Opportunities ... Entrepreneurs Urged

Local and foreign entrepreneurs have been urged to take advantage of the numerous investment opportunities in the country to expand their business portfolios.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Lartey's Wellness Group, Frank Lartey, who made the call at an entrepreneurship and network seminar in Accra yesterday, said, numerous investment opportunities exist in the country in the areas of banking, real estates, health, oil and gas, manufacturing and others.

The three-day seminar was organised by Lartey's Wellness Group, a consulting firm in partnership with Mold Moogle Consult and Moogle Academy for pastors, entrepreneurs and business operators in and outside the country.

Held on the theme "From fear to faith, leadership strategies to prepare for global recession," it was meant to educate the participants on the business and investment opportunities that exist in the country.

Mr Lartey said the programme was to enlighten private, public micro businesses on how to overcome their challenges and stay competitive.

He noted that young leaders of already established organisations or potential entrepreneurs stood the chance of gaining strategic knowledge on funding and how to attract the best human resources.

According to the CEO, several businesses began with the owner's own resources or supports from family or friends, and noted that without the needed funding a business could not survive in case of an unforeseen shock.

The Head of MoldMoggle Consult and Moggle Academy, Reverend Bernard OseiDuah, said a lot of the youth these days preferred politics to establishing their own business.

Rev. Duah encouraged young pastors to establish their own businesses to cater for themselves instead of depending on the church.

The Managing Director of Kumasi Hyve, Mr Morris NiiAdjei, said there were countless opportunities in Africa to attract foreign investors, but how to identify, package and present them for sponsorship was the problem.

"A lot of businesses fail to attract the needed investment because of poor approach and unattractiveness to the investors," he said.

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