Liberia: 'Lofa Youths Can't Read' - Sen. Zargo Denigrates Young People From His County

Monrovia — Lofa County Senator Steve Zargo has taken a stinging attack on the young people of Lofa who voted him with his assertion that they cannot read even a sentence properly or pronounce his name correctly.

"Young people were paid to issue statements against me. These young people in Voinjama cannot even read a sentence or pronounce my name correctly," the Lofa County lawmaker in an interview on August 17, 2022, at his office on Capitol Hill in Monrovia.

Senator Zargo's statement came in the aftermath of a press conference held in Voinjama by a consortium of youth groups in the county that he was using his position as Chairman of the Liberian Senate Standing Committee on Defence and Intelligence for political reasons.

The young people indicated that it is sad that a lawmaker who sits in a critical position at the Liberian Senate would indulge in acts that are unrepresentative of a national leader and elect to spew out misinformation to score political points under the guise of speaking on critical national issues instead of being preoccupied with the thought of dispensing independent security advice for the general benefit of the country. "Senator Zargo should desist from using the Chairmanship of Defense, Security and Intelligence of the Honorable Liberian Senate for personal, selfish political gains. We believe it's high time the senate considers whether Mr. Zargo who's consumed in political bigotry should continue to hold a crucial position as Defense, Security and Intelligence Chair or an independent, professional Senator should.

The Lofa County Senator accused Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee at a press conference of masterminding the violent protest that took place before the United States Embassy near Monrovia that led to one person critically injured on the heels of Liberia's 175th Independence Day celebration. He then called for the suspension of the Monrovia City Mayor on grounds that alleged perpetrators of the protest were believed to be seen with Mayor Koijee.

Pundits are wondering why is it that the man who was elected by predominantly young people in 2015 would choose to vilify them in a way that is demeaning.

"The man was elected to fix the system that would improve education and other sectors in the country. His assertion against the young people of the county is a clear indication that he failed miserably to ably represent their interest at the national level. He should be ashamed of himself that he is making fool of the young people for voting him into power," Yamah Mulbah said in an angry voice.

For Saah James of Zorzor District, he thinks the Senator is right about his assertion since the youth have refused to learn their lessons. "You can't blame Jorkpor [Senator Zargo's other name]. We should blame ourselves as young people of the county for allowing ourselves to be deceived by characters like that who is insensitive to our plight but would use it to insult us," Saah pointed out.

The young James indicated that the assertion from the Senator that Lofa youths cannot read is his way of appreciating the young people for voting him and he did nothing for them.

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