Liberia: NBC Boss Tours Libing Oil Company's 44 New Housing Projects Built for Staff, Employees

Grand Bassa County — The National Bureau of Concessions' (NBC) Director-General, Atty. Edwin Dennis toured the construction sites of forty-four ( 44 ) modern housing units being built by the management of LiBING Oil Palm Company in Grand Bassa County for its Staff and employees of the Company.

36 of the 44 housing units which are for the employees hold a two- bed room apartment that includes self-contained bathrooms, living-rooms, and kitchens. The remaining 8, which are for the staff, include 3 bed rooms; one of which is a master bed room.

The 36 units for the employees are being built in Yeaway Camp, District #5 Grand Bassa County while the remaining eight for staff are situated in Nursery Camp, Grand Bassa County.

The tour according to the NBC Boss was a follow-up visit to ensure that the management of LIBING lived up to its promised to improve the working conditions and livelihood of its employees consistent with the concession agreement signed between the Government of Liberia and the Management of LIBING Oil Palm Company.

Expressing his satisfaction over the newly the new units, the NBC Boss Atty. Edwin Dennis said the new units marked considerable improvement as compared to the old units.

He said those that will be opportune to occupy the new units will not have to risk their lives by going to use outside bathrooms in the middle of the night and then used the occasion to call on other concession companies to follow the example of LIBING by improving their housing facilities to self-contained housing units.

"The last time I was here and visited the old structures, I held a conversation with Mr. Sashi Nambiar, the Country Head of the Company and stressed the need for improvement to a suitable living place for the employees, and today I am a bit impressed to see them constructing 44 modern housing units for the staff and employees of the Company," NBC Boss told the press on the tour.

Atty. Dennis also expressed satisfaction that the Company hired two Liberian construction companies to carry on the projects. This, he said is in fulfillment of the President's pledge that Liberians will be given the opportunity to participate in the Liberian economy.

In his response, the CEO of the company, Mr. Sashi Nambiar on behalf of the Management said the Building of the units have been a long time plan to give better living conditions to her employees and promised to do more of what has been started. This is the first stage of many that is in the pipeline for the company in the coming years.

Mr. Nambiar said the contracts to build the housing units were given to Liberian owned Companies; Unity Construction, Lawrence and Lawrence Construction, New Land Engineering Construction among others. This, he said, is consistent with the concession agreement a d also in support of the Pro Poor agenda to empower qualified Liberians.

Speaking to the contractors, Atty. Dennis admonish them to do good work and stay on schedule so that they and other Liberian owned businesses can earn more contracts and increase the space for Liberian contractors.

In response, the contractors respectively assured the NBC Boss and the management of their commitments to finish the project by the end of August or latest first week in September. Meanwhile, the contractors prayed that the Company continues the good act of giving contracts to local Liberians in an effort to promote the Liberianization policy.

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