Liberia: Consortium Welcomes U.S. Report, but Wants More Clarity On Sanctioned Officials

Liberian President George Weah at a U.S. Embassy event in Monrovia in 2019.

Monrovia — The Consortium of Civil Society Organizations has welcomed the US States Department of Treasury report on the sanctioned officials of the Weah and Taylor Governments.

On Monday, the U.S. Government issued sanction against Minister of States for Presidential Affairs Nathaniel McGill, National Port Authority Managing Director Bill Twehway and Solicitor General Sayma Syrenius Cephus.

But following the sanctions on the three officials, President Weah proceeded to suspend to them.

The Consortium, in a statement delivered by its spokesperson John D. Pangbe on recently noted that while it appreciates the U.S. Government it also wants more clarity in its report issued against three officials of the Government.

"We want to pursue this case more further against these three officials of the government and at such a clarity would be best importance for us to go by," Pangbe added

He also stated that the clarity as craved by the consortium should be backed by evidence that will aid the Liberian Government in the investigation as announced by the Liberian President George Weah.

Meanwhile, the Consortium of Civil Society Organization is also asking the U.S. Government to extradite Mr. Charles MacArthur D. Gull, the former Manager of the Port of Buchanan who was at the center of the corruption saga at the Port of Buchanan to face investigation as announced by the Liberian President.

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