Liberia: CDC Lawmaker Condemned for Grave Human Rights Threats

Monrovia — Rep. Solomon George of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has told President George Weah that some of his critics "need to disappear" to enable rapid developments in the country.

He said: "Mr. President, you know me, maybe you want to win Nobel Peace Prize, but as for me I don't want to win Noble Peace Prize. I want to be police director for just six months or one year, some people will lost.

The Monsterrado County District 7 lawmaker made the remarks in the presence of the Liberian president, who didn't say a word in reference to Rep. George's threats to members of the opposition.

He further called on President Weah to ban student politics at the University of Liberia, adding: "Mr. President there is a problem with these students of the campus-based Students Unification Party (SUP). They cannot dictate to us how to run a university. If SUP wants to be a political party, put an end to students' politics so that SUP can come and be a full-fledged political

party... They have been sent by the hyenas that are waiting for the young lions to die before it can eat it. We who are the "foot soldiers" are here to protect you, Mr. President."

The lawmaker's comments have been slammed by Liberians, including his political rivals in the district. Wadei Powell, an representative aspirant of the district, described the lawmaker's statement irresponsible.

"It also showed a high degree of heartlessness, especially at a time in our country where there has been an occurrence of so many mysterious and unexplained deaths," she said.

She added that the lawmaker's call for citizens to be "lost" because he views them as opposition to the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government or President Weah, also gives a clear insight into the mind of the lawmaker and his position on the constitutionally granted rights of freedom of expression and affiliation.

"As a lawmaker, he should be the last person making such remarks but, sadly, this form of behavior is the all too familiar trademarked modus operandi of the Representative who is known for making reckless public statements, fist fighting in the Legislature, insulting constituents, particularly women, and anyone, including his own partisans in the CDC, who dare to express a view in opposition to his," she added.

Aspirant Wadei insinuated that perhaps the lawmaker believes that these remarks would score points with President Weah or the CDC base, but his suggestions of making people "lost", if given a chance to be Police Director, is the most detrimental statement he could make as a CDC stalwart.

"Or perhaps he was subliminally putting in a job application because he knows he is nearing the end of the road as the Montserrado District 7 Representative. Whatever his reasons, Rep. George needs to understand that our system of governance is built on a foundation of democratic principles, therefore dictatorship has absolutely no place in our governance system and neither does anyone calling for such actions."

Rep. George, she said, has failed to remember the days when CDC was a part of "opposition" and carried out multiple protests and rallies to correct what it viewed as ails in the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf government.

"I urge the members of Legislature to take corrective actions against Rep. George as his behavior does not only reflect badly on him as an individual, but on the entire Legislature, and specifically the House of Representatives," she said.

Also speaking, the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) has also termed the lawmaker's declaration as reckless, and called on him to rescind his statement.

"As a an institution whose task is to preach the gospel of righteousness, joy, goodness, goodwill and spiritual wisdom, the LCC says it is appalled that Representative George would express his enthusiasm for president Weah's leadership in such a disgraceful manner," LCC said in a statement.

"Representative George touting idea of people disappearing is completely out of touch with the peace and security that Liberians cherish as vital to our democracy."

The LCC also called on President Weah to publicly distant himself from the lawmaker's malicious and vicious utterances.

"The Council believes, if not acted upon, such a wild pronouncement from a sitting lawmaker would plunge Liberia into a failed state of war, politically induced killings and the disappearance of politicians and their supporters. This is not the values many people died and sacrificed for over the years and as such, it must be condemned by all Liberians irrespective of your association."

The Liberia Council of Churches, is therefore, calling on Representative Solomon George to publicly apologize and repent from speaking in a vile and vicious manner, which threatens to

collapse the sanity, freedom of expressions and right to choose whomsoever the people wish to lead them.

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