Liberia: President Weah Leads Array of Govt Officials in Observance of 175th Flag Anniversary

Monrovia — President George M. Weah will this Wednesday, August 24, lead an array of Government officials and other national leaders at programs commemorating the 175th anniversary of the Liberian Flag.

According to release by the Ministry of Information, the President and his entourage will begin the occasion with viewing the colorful Pass-in-Review to be followed by an official in-door program at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion on Ashmun Street in Monrovia.

The National Orator at this year's ceremony is former Information Minister Rev. Dr. Laurence Konmla Bropleh.

Dr. Bropleh, who is a lawyer, a United Methodist Clergyman, and an educator will speak on the theme, "The Lonestar, A Symbol of Unity and National Development".

The respected Liberian Politician currently serves as an Advisor to and Special Envoy of President George Manneh Weah.

National Flag Day is observed as a holiday across the country in keeping with a Presidential Proclamation.

A Ministry of Foreign Affairs release says the commemoration of the day is "testimony of allegiance and loyalty to the National Ensign, which is an embodiment of the nation's existence as a sovereign entity".

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