Nigeria: Amadu Declares for NFF's Presidency, Vows to Bring Back Glory Days

24 August 2022

Ahead of September 30, 2022 Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), the former general secretary of the Federation, Barrister Musa Amadu, yesterday, formally declared his intention to contest for the position of president, saying he has a burning desire to build an image of Nigeria's football that every Nigerian will proud of and walk tall anywhere in the world.

Amadu announced his intention to run for office of NFF president yesterday at the world press conference in Abuja after consulting with key stakeholders in the football family.

Addressing a large crowd, comprising serving board members of NFF, former chairman and past general secretaries of NFA, serving and past state FA chairmen, supporters club, journalists and others, Amadu said having served within and outside the Nigerian football inner spectrum, he will set up a National Teams Management Board that will oversee all Team Nigeria matters beyond just the playing side of things and bring back the glory days.

"I stand before you in humility and with all sense of responsibilities to declare my interest to contest for the Office of the President of the Nigeria Football Federation," Amadu declared. "This gathering tells the story. What it doesn't say is why. What it also does not say is what I intend to bring that will be different from what has been.

"I thank you all for coming. You came because you wanted to listen to me. You came because something told you that I have something to offer and you felt it would be worth your while to come and hear me out.

"We want to build an image of Nigerian football that will make the Nigerian person walk tall in the street anywhere in the world and be referred to as 'the guy or lady who comes from that football country where everything is well-run.

"We want to create opportunities for people who hitherto would not have had a chance to be anywhere near a football field - job opportunities that will take our youth off the streets, football opportunities that will empower every sector of our society and create gainful employment.'

While assuring that his administration will be accountable and maintain a workable partnership with the government, Amadu said will also work closely with the State Football Associations to unearth the best talent in the game and give them a future.

"We will also go to the grassroots, working closely with the State Football Associations, and unearth the best talent in the game and give them a future.

"Our relationship with the government is also key. We always run to them when we need funding for our projects, but we cry foul when they show an interest in what we are doing and we call it interference. That is enough now. We are partners. Government cares for the people. NFF cares for the people through football. We will maintain partnership and create a NFF/Government Liaison structure that is workable, as has been working in many countries I have had the opportunity to visit and understudy.".

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