Sierra Leone: Murdered Police Officers Given State Funeral

The 6 police officers who were killed in an anti-government protest on August 10th have on Tuesday been laid to rest at the Hastings Police Training School in Freetown.

These police officers were killed during the protest in which they clashed with protesters who had demanded that the president resigns, because of economic hardship.

Women protesters, who had gathered in the city centre on Wednesday morning, holding placards, later fled the scene as tensions rose.

While the number of police officers has been made public, the number of protesters killed is yet to be known, albeit it was rumoured that 26 were killed.

According to the police, one hundred and thirteen protesters were arrested but are yet to make their day in court.

In the Kissy neighborhood in the east end of the city, demonstrators threw rocks and sticks at security forces,who fired tear gas in return.

Demonstrations were also held in the city of Makeni and the town of Magburuka in the country's Northern Province.

In his address to the nation, the president, Julius Maada Bio says that the peace and stability of the nation were shattered by persons whose insurrection was premeditated, well-planned, financed, and executed with shocking brutality.

The president added that before August 10th, there were people who identified themselves on social media as APC warriors, PPP, and persons who were determined to capture political power even at the cost of hundreds of lives.

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