Ghana: Anloga Community Initiate Self Help Projects

The chiefs and people of Anloga in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region are taking development in their hands since according to them the government alone cannot bear the burden of development.

Top on the list is the expansion of the Anloga Health Centre, construction of bungalows for doctors and other health workers and a vocational training centre for the community to give free training to residents of Anloga and its environs.

The project is being spearheaded by a US-based NGO 'After My Heart Global Foundation Incorporated' , with focus on providing the needs of the people of Anloga in the area of infrastructure development and capacity building.

Speaking in a telephone interview with the Ghanaian Times on the sidelines of the launch of the Ghana branch of the foundation, a trustee, Dr John Amaglo said his organisation "believes in teaching a man to fish, rather than just giving a man fish. Knowledge is power, and by so doing, we feed people for a lifetime."

Dr Amaglo indicated that upgrading of the Anloga Health Centre was critical on their plans of helping to solve the myriad of challenges bedeviling the community and its environs, adding that it behooves the citizens to complement the government's effort in the nation's development programme.

Meanwhile , the Country Director of After My Heart Foundation Incorporated, Mr James K. Chemayi, has added his voice to the call on the government to construct a sea defense wall to significantly boost various socioeconomic activities, saying further delays in providing such a life changing project would plunge communities into a major disaster.

He commended the people for initiating a number of self help projects to better their lot and appealed to others to come to their aid.

A Medical Practitioner in charge of the Anloga Health Centre , Geory Winlove Nyasembi, said the intended upgrade of the facility was a welcome news.

He said with the help of the Anlo Development Association, the facility which sits on a 21 acre land was recently fenced to ward off encroachers.

Mr Nyasembi added that due to the inadequate infrastructure and equipment, residents were compelled to seek medical attention at the Keta Municipal Hospital and the Sogakope District Hospital, a situation he said added to their financial burden.

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