Liberia: Mont. District Eight Rep. Hopeful Alarms Over Harassment, Intimidation From Rep. Gray

Montserrado — A Representative Hopeful of Montserrado County District Number Eight, has expressed fear over constant intimidation and threat from the district lawmaker, Acarous Moses Gray, due to his intention to contest the parliament seat.

Isaac K. Krah, Chairman of Slipway Community in Monrovia, told FrontPageAfrica Wednesday, August 24, that since his ascendancy to the leadership position, the district lawmaker has been uneasy, due to several developmental initiatives he continues to undertake for his people.

Some of these, developmental initiatives, according to him, were promised by the lawmaker, but he accordingly failed to implement them.

Therefore, Krah noted that his move to the fast track of these projects had moved several persons in the district to consider him for the position comes 2023, which has installed fear in the lawmaker to intimidate and threaten him in diverse forms and manner.

He condemned the recent alleged attack on him by some members of the community, an action he attributed to the making of Representative Gray.

Krah complained that in a recent meeting held, some group of men, allegedly under the directive of Gray enter one of his scheduled meetings with knives and other weapons forcing him out.

Following that meeting, he said these men quickly ran to media institutions to announce that he was being impeached without any legal process.

"They went immediately and put an announcement on air that I was impeached after they had treated me with knives and other weapons to leave the hall. I am still the legitimate Chairman," Krah stressed.

These perils, according to Krah fast increasing, leading to his recent arrest and imprisonment under the auspices of Representative Gray.

He said two of the officials in the Community Leadership, whom he had earlier filed a lawsuit against on allegation of "Misapplication of Community Property and Defamation of Character" were influenced by Representative Gray, allegedly, to issue a suit, falsely on account of 'Menacing' threatening to kill his accusers.

He said the suit was accordingly filed in January of this year, which was never served him until he (Krah) filed a lawsuit against them recently.

Krah maintained, that what perplex him was the fact that he was taken to court and within 10 minutes before the appearance of his lawyer, court officers informed him that he was being taken to the Monrovia Central Prison after his lawyer had informed the Judge of being on his way to the court.

Currently, according to him, Augustine Saydee, the Treasurer of the Community is yet to account for property misapplied but is being allegedly used by Gray to frighten him from contesting in the pending 2023 Representative Elections in the district.

These actions accordion to Krah, are evidence for the fact, that Representative Gray has on several occasions, threatened him in the district chatroom to take him from power, on grounds that he wants to serve as a bottleneck to his (Gray) reelection.

Krah stated that his Gray is being annoyed due to the many projects he continues to implement and that as a resident of the district, his security matters.

Though he explained that he is a consultant at the Ministry of Public Works, Representative Gray continues to threaten his job.

He said his developmental initiatives are his initiatives under his Isaac K. Krah Foundation, which has procured a machine for road cleaning in the community.

Krah believes lawsuits against him are being masterminded by Representative Gray and wants the lawmaker to desist from using his proximity with the government to threaten and intimidate him.

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