Liberia: Cummings Asks Liberians to Trust Him to Lead Country's Recovery

Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, the Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), has asked Liberians to trust him to lead the country's recovery process, resuscitate the economy, and alleviate the mass suffering of the Liberian people come 2023.

Cummings observed that Liberia is in dire need of its best brains and talents to repair the country's broken pieces, restore basic social services, and lift the vast majority out of extreme poverty. He made the plea during a community engagement with hundreds of residents of the Nat Ballah Community, District #4, Montserrado County, who complained of years of government neglect.

The Nat Ballah and River Cross Estate community in soul Clinic, is a swamp-slum community, within District #4 with an estimated 33,000 registered voters. Its residents complained of growing insecurity, lack of electricity, school, health care service and deplorable road conditions.

District #4 is said to be densely populated, with combined registered voters of 72,0000 in Montserrado County according to several community leaders, who attended and spoke at the meeting with the CPP Standard Bearer, on Saturday, August 27, 2022.

Earlier, 10 Community Leaders and elders on behalf of the residents, accorded the CPP Standard Bearer, a traditional welcome, with kola nuts and later gowned him, with pledge of support for his Presidential bid in 2023.

Cummings decried the high-level corruption in President George Weah's government, which he said has robbed the people of a better life and deprived the vast majority of basic social services including electricity, safe drinking water, better schools and health care service nationwide.

The CPP Standard Bearer assured that with his election as President, Liberia will certainly experience major transformations in the living conditions of the Liberian people. He called for sober reflection on the part of all Liberians to resist the temptations of re-electing corrupt and incompetent leaders who will only deepen the suffering of the vast majority and subject them to extreme poverty.

In a related development, Cummings has urged Liberians to resist the culture of impunity and mediocrity and demand the highest standard of integrity and accountability for themselves and their leaders.

Mr. Cummings said Liberians must begin to set higher and more realistic achievable goals and work assiduously with an absolute success mentality rather than harbor the fear of failure.

The CPP Standard Bearer, who is the founder of the Cummings Africa Foundation, made the assertions when he served as guest speaker at the 97th graduation and convocation ceremony of the Lott Carey Baptist Mission, outside Monrovia. Eighteen students were awarded certificates, after completing the 12th grade.

Lott Carey Baptist Mission is a faith-based institution, established by Christian missionaries 114 years ago in Liberia. Cummings told the graduates, that there is no easy way or shortcut to success, and no amount of talking and wishful thinking can lead to success, without hard work, commitment, and dedication to duty, backed by the acquisition of quality and sound education.

"Stop making excuses for nonperformance and mediocrity, develop the right mindset for success, believe in yourself and your ability in every undertaking in the journey of life," Cummings challenged the graduates.

He commended parents for the financial sacrifices and commitment to invest in the education of their children, especially under the prevailing difficult economic conditions in Liberia.

The CPP Standard Bearer also thanked the faculty and staff of the Lott Carey Baptist Mission for their dedication and commitment to imparting knowledge under the prevailing difficult financial constraints facing most learning institutions in Liberia.

Cummings said teaching is a noble calling, and therefore, teachers must be trained, paid attractive salaries, and motivated to perform par excellence in molding the minds of Liberia's children.

He said in order to achieve greatness and lift the vast majority out of extreme poverty, Liberian must break away from the past and the temptations of repeating mistakes and doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Cummings said African countries achieving appreciable development goals and improving their citizens' standard of living, are not smarter than Liberians, but because they have good and farsighted Leaders, who are held to the highest standard of integrity and accountability.

He said with the country's vast natural resources, Liberians deserve better than the current harsh economic realities where the masses are living in extreme poverty, while few officials of President George Weah's government continue to amass illegal wealth at the detriment of the people and nation.

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