Liberia to Host Global Parliament of Mayors Conference

The Global Parliament of Mayors has for the first time selected Liberia to host the upcoming Global Parliament of Mayors' Conference, an event which will bring together Mayors from across the world in Monrovia in 2023.

Giving an update of the event, Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee said Liberia was unanimously selected to host the next conference of the Global Parliament of Mayors.

Following his return from a visit to Washington, D.C., United States of America, Mayor Koijee told scores of reporters Thursday, 25 August 2022 that Liberia is expected to host the Global Parliament of Mayors' Conference.

"We are delighted to announce to the people of Monrovia and Liberia at large that despite all the negative criticism meted against us, next year, an array of World Leaders will converge in our capital. This is the progress we are making here at MCC," said Mr. Koijee.

He said it was by no mistake or favor that Liberia got selected to host the Global Parliament of Mayors' conference.

Koijee noted that the recognition came as a result of the tremendous progress being made, and the series of developments that are ongoing at the MCC.

The Monrovia Mayor explained that following the recent Urban Forum held in Istanbul, it was decided by Mayors from the African countries that there was a need to give Africa the opportunity to host the conference.

Against that backdrop, he said Liberia became the favorite to host the conference.

At the same time, Mayor Koijee extended heartfelt appreciation to his counterparts from Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Egypt, and Sierra Leone.

He said these countries through their respective Mayors, were magnificent and elevated the conversation, recognizing that Monrovia is the first city that must host the conference.-Edited by Winston W. Parley

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