Liberia: Cllr. Gongloe Terms 'National Best Teacher Award' Political

press release

Presidential hopeful Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe says the gift presented to the winner of the National Best Teacher Award is political, especially when it comes from a government that he claims is unable to regularly pay civil servants' salaries.

A statement quoting the renowned human rights advocate Thursday, 25 August 2022 mentioned that the Government preferred to award the young female teacher, Precious Teewiah, one million Liberian Dollars, and a brand-new house when it is unable to regularly pay civil servants their salaries.

However, the statement indicates, Cllr. Gongloe has applauded the young female teacher for her prowess and dedication to the tedious and laborious work of teaching.

During the official indoor ceremony marking Liberia's 175th Flag Day celebration in Monrovia, the Government awarded Madam Teewiah a cash prize along with a brand new house as winner of the newly launched National Best Teacher Award.

Cllr. Gongloe said in reaction that Madam Teewiah's prowess and dedication probably merited her the 'National Best Teacher Award' the Ministry of Education bestowed.

The renowned Liberian lawyer said he empathizes with the young teacher because he himself is a teacher, and that his father was a teacher throughout his professional life.

According to him, he knows what the young woman goes through daily to deliver the public service of teaching in helping to prepare human capital for the Country.

Cllr. Gongloe mentioned that the Government is unable to regularly pay wages after summarily and drastically cutting them simply to satisfy its deliberate acts of corruption that deplete the national treasuries.

Gongloe recounted that the regime gave money and pleasantries to Nimba County motorcyclist Emmanuel Tuloe when he found fifty thousand United States Dollars and returned the cash without taking away a penny, to the rightful owner.

He stressed, "The level of honesty demonstrated by the teenager has been a herculean task for the Government and its senior members to do."

Instead, he added, they steal from the Country and its people they serve to the extent that the nation is in an intensive care unit gasping for breath.

Therefore, he asked Liberians not to re-elect President George Manneh Weah because doing so would mean signing their own death warrants.

Meanwhile, Cllr. Gongloe has implored farsighted members of the Legislature to vote against the amended National Elections Law in which the Government seeks to abolish the posts of Electoral Magistrates.

According to him, the move is to prepare the ground for the regime to rig the Presidential and Legislative Election in 2023.

"This is so because the CDC-led government intends to recruit its partisans only as Electoral Magistrates so that they will oversee the rigging of the poll," Cllr. Gongloe warned.

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