Liberia: Representative Tarponweh Dedicates Newly Constructed Clinic in Margibi County

Margibi County — Representative Tibelrosa Summoh Tarponweh of Margibi Electoral District One has officially opened for use a newly constructed clinic within the Garzon Reserve in Firestone, Lower Margibi County.

The construction of the health facility was funded by the China Union Social Development Fund and the Margibi District one Lawmaker, especially financing the electrification and plumbing of the facility and other related works including the construction of the storeroom, incinerator and placenta pit.

The facility is comprised of a dispensary, in and out-patient wards and laboratory, among others.

Cutting the ribbon on Saturday, August 27, Representative Tarponweh said the clinic will address the demand for health services in that part of Margibi County.

The Margibi District One Lawmaker asserted that his move to "push" for the construction of the clinic is in response to the plea by the citizens of Garzon in 2017 requesting for health facility.

"During the campaign when we were here, one of the things we heard our people complaining about was clinic. I took it as a task to perform. When the County had this little China Union Social Development Fund and we were called to make decisions, I saw it prudent to build a clinic within the Garzon Reserve and a police station in Duazon," he said.

Continuing, he added: "I saw the importance of carrying out these projects despite the little fund allocated for Margibi District One. I provided additional funding to make sure that these projects become a reality", Representative Tarponweh explained.

Commenting on staffing the facility, he added:" I am engaging all government relevant authorities so that these committed volunteer staffs are absorbed within government payroll. We will push every door so that our goals are accomplished."

Margibi County Health Officer, Dr. Augustine Fianneh lauded the Rep. Tarponweh and called on the residents to take the clinic as their own.

Dr. Fianneh also disclosed that plan is underway to upgrade the clinic to a full health center with assigned medical doctors, highlighting the growing population.

"I want to thank the Lawmaker for his farsightedness for bringing health services to the people of Garzon Reserve and its environs. Representative Tarponweh, it is not a mistake that you are a member of the House of Representatives Committee on Health. The Ministry of Health appreciates your efforts," Dr. Fianneh said.

"As we open this facility today, the community residents should see this place as their own. Be a help to the workers here. We are anticipating to build a staff quarter to accommodate all of our workers and later transcend to a full health center."

The residents joyously showered praises on their lawmaker for the construction of the clinic, vowing to reelect him comes 2023.

"Constructing this kind of infrastructure as clinic for us here is first of its kind. It shows that Representative Tarponweh is a great leader. We trusted you 2017 and we are seeing the dividends. We will also entrust you 2023", Moses Mulbah, youth leader intimated.

"We say thank you, Representative Tarponweh. We will still stand by you as you have done this great job for us. Our prayers are with you to continue your good works", Taynue Teah, Mendeh Town Chief.

The dedicatory ceremony brought together local officials and residents of various towns and villages within the Garzon Reserve and neighboring camps in Firestone.

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