Liberia: Chief Justice-Designate Says the Old Fashion Way of Record Keeping Will Have to Change

Monrovia — Liberia Chief Justice Designate Sie-A-Nyene Gyapay Yuoh has told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that her number one priority as chief Justice if confirmed by the Senate is a change in the style of records keeping from an analog to a digital system.

According to her the use of modern technology, especially the digitization of the way court records are kept will save the court time and money. She said, the courts spend hundreds of dollars of revenue on purchasing stationery.

"I want to see a change in the judiciary though I'm not familiar with Information Technology, but I want is a digital system of records keeping. Not at the Supreme Court but in all the courts in Liberia. It will save time and money," she said.

The Chief Justice-designate also told the Senate Committee that the public lack of understanding of how the judiciary works, the misunderstanding of the workings of the judiciary by the public has led to the high misconception of the judicial system.

She recommended to the committee to allow the Supreme Court to be the regulator for the practice of law which she believes will improve the relationship between the Liberia Bar Association and the Supreme Court by allowing lawyers to act properly in the practice of law.

"The legislature should dedicate the responsibility of procedure law making to the Supreme Court," she said.

Justice Youh blamed the non-compliance attitude exhibited by the Executive Branch of government to the Judiciary's Financial Autonomy Act as a major factor that undermines the workings of the Judiciary.

If confirmed by the Senate, the 67 years old Justice of the Supreme Court bench will replace retiring Chief Justice Francis Korkpor who has reached the constituted 70 years age limit for a chief justice to retire from the Supreme Court bench. At age 67, she will hold that position for three years.

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