Liberia: District 10 Honors Pewee Bestman for Contributions to Liberia

Monrovia — Some residents of Montserrado County Electoral District #10 have honored Pewee Bestman (CKA: The Nation One or Magic Hand) for his immense contribution to the nation's Peace, growth and development through sports.

The Watkins Initiative for Nations (WIN) of Liberian Journalist, Y. Solomon W. Watkins who is now Representative Hopeful of Montserrado County, Electoral District #10 has championed and sponsored the recognition of the Nation's all-time number one goalkeeper.

WIN in collaboration with the Divine Town Sports Federation over the weekend organized a two-day tournament in honor of Pewee Bestman for his immense contribution to the nation's growth and development through sports.

Following the days of sporting activities held on Old Road, WIN certificated the all-time Liberian best goalkeeper for his services to the country.

The Grand final of the two-day sporting activities which was unifying and entertaining, saw Block "B" managed to defeat Block "C" 11 to 10 goals after 90 minutes of play at the Kailondo Field in Transformer.

L$15,000 was awarded to the first and second winners. L$ 9,000 was given to Block "B"; while Block "C" received L$6,000 cash prize as being promised and announced. A trophy was also given to Block "B" for its victory over Block "C"

"I am glad that such a game can be organized in my honor by the Watkins Initiative for Nations (WIN) with support from Hon. Y. Solomon W. Watkins, our District representative aspirant who is also a resident of our community, Divine Town.

"This is the first tournament ever organized in my honor by residents of our community.

"I promised to always be that good citizen you have recognized today and will forever remember your recognition of my services to Liberia through sports.

"Thanks so much to our young honorable to be. I wish you all the best Mr. Watkins." Mr. Pewee Bestman said while praising Rep. Hopeful Watkins for his many contributions to District #10 and for sponsorship of the tournament held in his honor.

In a remark, WIN's Vision Bearer and District#: 10 Representative Hopeful, Y. Solomon W. Watkins thanked Mr. Bestman for accepting to have been honored by the Watkins Initiative for Nations.

According to him, people like Mr. Bestman should be celebrated by all Liberians, especially leaders of the country because of Mr. Bestman immense contribution to Sports, Growth, Peace and Development of Liberia.

He said, Mr. Bestman like other former players of the National Team should be always remember for their roles played in Liberia.

"In this country, we find it difficult to recognize the contribution of good people, rather we defend people who do not worth our recognition. In fact, we even praised them when they steal from us more and give us crumbs. The More they steal from us, the more we praise them. We even sometimes intend to give them power continuously without thinking they are doing us more harm than help only because few are benefiting from their corrupt practices. We need to change that beginning with District#10. We need to recognize good people and praise them for their contributions to our communities, districts, Liberia and the world when noticed. Mr. Bestman is one of those to recognize. His contributions in the world of sports are immeasurable. For this we have come to tell the world that Mr. Bestman is a good man that requires our recognition also," the District#10 Representative Aspirant noted.

Meanwhile, the District# 10 representative aspirant used the opportunity to officially announced the hosting of District#10 inter community league which is expected to start early next year, 2023.

The tournament, according to him, will bring together all 32 communities of the District.

Hon. Watkins said preparation are already underway for the successful organizing of the league which he anticipates will be an annual event if he becomes representative comes 2024.

Watkins disclosed that when he becomes District#10 representative such an initiative will be an annual event for the district under his leadership.

At the initial stage of the event, a mini parade was held from the honoree's resident (Goalkeeper Pewee Bestman) in Divine Town through the Tokpah Camp community, VIP Road toward the main Joe Bar Market to the principal streets of Old Road Community and then to the Kalando Sports Patch in the Transformer Community, Old Road.

The game was held under the sponsorship of Hon. Y. Solomon W. Watkins through the Watkins Initiative for Nations (WIN) in collaboration with the sports federation of Divine Town Community.

WIN is a Pro-Democracy, Community Empowerment and Community Development Organization.

Its primary goal is to advocate for the life betterment of Liberians, those residing in the Territory of Liberia and those elsewhere.

Founded in 2014, WIN continues to provide several Opportunities for Liberians to be economically empowered. WIN is helping to impact the lives of Liberians through vocational and technical training programs, connection of communities to pipe water, promotion of community governance and leadership, and is advocating for better public representation in Liberia.

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