Liberia: CPP Escapees Not Progressing

Bility throws jabs at UP, ALP

Liberty Party (LP) controversial chairman Musa Hassan Bility says constituent parties that have escaped from the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) are not making any progress.

During the relaunch of the CPP recently, Mr. Bility said Unity Party (UP) and All Liberian Party (ALP) are struggling since they broke away from the once formidable opposition bloc.

"All those who were jumping out of the CPP, from the time they left they have never taken any concrete step [nor] are they making progress," Bility claimed

"We should have stayed here, fought in the house, and put it together for the sake of Liberia," he said further.

However, he said, this is what the faction of the Liberty Party which he chairs, and the Alternative National Congress (ANC) have done.

Bility indicated that his LP faction and the ANC have entrusted the CPP to Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, political leader of the ANC, to run for the presidency as CPP standard bearer.

Bility only controls some partisans of the Liberty Party who are loyal to him, as the rest of the party's members and supporters remain loyal to LP political leader and Grand Bassa Senator Nyonblee Karnga - Lawrence.

Senator Karnga - Lawrence did not endorse the idea of Bility presenting Cummings as CPP political leader after the UP and ALP pulled out of the broken collaboration.

However, Chairman Bility suggested that the two political parties that left the CPP are struggling, and there has been nothing meaningful within those institutions.

According to him, the country is in a very difficult time, but they have entrusted the CPP to Mr. Cummings because they believe in his leadership skills and ability to take over a broken country and divided people.'

The LP chairman claimed that in Liberia, doing the wrong has become the norm and tradition.

He expressed optimism that the relaunched CPP will flourish, and that other parties will join it soon.

Mr. Bility further indicated from the genesis of the CPP, his party made a commitment to stand and stay in the CPP.

He said LP has continued to remain in the CPP and it will never be an obstacle to the forward movement of Liberia and the opposition bloc.

"We were very clear that because of the loss of our founding father, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine, we were patriotic enough to recognize that therefore at this time our party was not in the position to produce a president to govern this country," he explained.

"We committed to that and we remain committed to that, and that's why we have stayed to work with you Mr. Cummings," he noted.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bility has urged partisans not to mistake the process and see their coming together as a means to be paid.

"This is a liberation war, and so in liberation there is no pay because the only pay is to free the country," he said.

"All should make the sacrifices to change the country. ANC let me now tell you, you have produced the leader of the opposition and you should be humble by this, Mr. Cummings is no longer standard bearer of ANC, but CPP," he said.

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