Liberia: Senate Confirms Yuoh As Liberia's 3rd Female Chief Justice

The Liberian Senate has confirmed Cllr. Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh as Liberia's next Chief Justice, the third female to head the nation's highest court so far.

She replaces retired Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, Sr., who stepped down after reaching the age limit set in Liberia's 1986 Constitution.

But Korkpor will hold on in office until the end of the March Term of Court to allow him perform judicial responsibilities in matters he took on before attaining the age of 70.

Former Chief Justices Gloria Musu Scott and Frances Johnson-Morris, now Cllr. Frances Johnson - Allison, are the two female predecessors of the incoming Chief Justice, Cllr. Yuoh.

Yuoh first entered the Supreme Court bench as Associate Justice when she was appointed in 2013 by former President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf.

For over nine years since her appointment, Justice Yuoh has been serving in this position when President George Manneh Weah elevated her through nomination this month to replace retiring Chief Justice Korkpor.

The Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims and Petition Committee of the Liberian Senate headed by Grand Cape Mount County Senator Cllr. G. Varney H. Sherman recommended to the Plenary that the nominee be confirmed.

Cllr. Sherman said this recommendation was based on her unquestionable character, qualifications and experience.

Following the committee's recommendation, 20 members of the Liberian Senate voted for Justice Yuoh's confirmation, five Senators voted against her, and one Senator abstained.

Meanwhile, following the vote count, Grand Gedeh County Senator Zoe Emmanuel Pennue filed a motion for reconsideration to be tried before the final decision of the Liberian Senate.

On Friday, 26 August 2022, the Sherman - led Senate Committee conducted the confirmation hearing for Chief Justice - Designate Yuoh.

President Weah nominated Yuoh as Chief Justice on Tuesday, 23 August 2022.

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