Liberia: Civil Society Worries Over Delay in Autopsies Result

Maryland county — Nearly four weeks after autopsies were conducted on the lifeless bodies of late Anthony Tiaka and little Levi Koffa in Maryland county, citizens, including civil society organizations, have written Superintendent George A. Prowd, to explain the delay in releasing the autopsy results.

In a communication to Superintendent Prowd on Monday, August 29, civil society county coordinator Mr. Thomas B. Mawolor, Sr. said, "We the Civic Society Organization of the county write to compliment your efforts and manner in which you are steering the affairs of the County.

Therefore, we the Civic Society Organization in the county still wants to enquire about the continued delay of the autopsy reports of the late Anthony Tiaka and little Levi Koffa."

The communication noted that during the autopsies on the two deceased, government Pathologist Dr. Benedict Kolee, who headed the team from Monrovia, informed residents, CSOs and other stakeholders that results would be given to the government within two weeks.

Two weeks have expired and there is no indication when the report will be out in the county.

However, Superintendent Prowd had informed the CSO, including citizens via a community radio station that the report would have been ready on Monday, August 22, but since such pronouncement was made, anxious residents, including parents and relatives of the deceased continue to wait.

The CSO noted the delay has left suspicion, dark clouds and lack of interest in the entire exercise.

It called on Superintendent George A. Prowd and national government to make the autopsy results public in order to avoid undermining the peace and security of the county and the country at large.

Citizens of Maryland County have been restless, as they await final results from government pathologists following final autopsies on the bodies of Student Anthony Tiaka in Pleebo and

eight-year-old Levi Koffi, who reportedly went missing, but his lifeless body was found in a lake.

The two bodies were mysteriously discovered in the county, sparking public outcries and constant protests.

Student Anthony Tiaka was found dead in his bedroom on July 3, 2022, with bruises and gashes on his forehead, penis pierced with a sharp instrument, and bled profusely from other parts of his body, while Little Levi Koffa reportedly left his parents' home for school on Monday, July 18, 2022, in Harper but never returned. His lifeless body was discovered drowned in Lake Shepherd on Wednesday, July 20th. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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