Gambia Pays D1.6 Million Commitment to WTO

31 August 2022

Lamin Dampha, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Trade in an interview told this medium that The Gambia is a founding member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) with a contribution around 29, 000 CHF (D1, 626, 749.90) annually as a membership fee.

Dwelling on the benefits gained by the country as a member of WTO, PS Dampha explained that WTO provides lots of training to his ministry, saying one of their staff is currently at WTO for a 10-month internship.

"Every four years we normally do a trade policy review and WTO provides that support. If we have a trade dispute with any of the countries, we can address it to the level of WTO because it is rule-based that facilitates a multilateral trading system."

As regards the government's commitment to implement WTO's commitments per the rules, he said "The Gambia is currently implementing all WTO's commitments and the trade ministry annually provides them with regular notification reports."

PS Dampha admitted that The Gambia has some arrears to settle with WTO. However, he clarified that the country's last payment was effected in January this year.

"We benefit more from WTO than our membership payments because if you monetise the capacity building alone; it is huge money as a least developing country, we benefit and enjoy more privileges from the WTO than other developing countries." More about PS Dampah's interview will be published in our subsequent edition.

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