Liberia: Bong - Raney Expresses Sadness Over the Conditions of Public Facilities

Bong — Former Bong County Superintendent, Dr. Raney Jackson has expressed disappointment over what he calls the dilapidation of government and public facilities in the county.

Dr. Jackson said, the David Kuyon Sports Stadium, Presidential palace, county superintendent's residence, Gbarnga Administrative Building and other public facilities in the county are all in poor condition.

The David Kuyon Sports Stadium and superintendent residence were constructed during the reign of Dr. Jackson.

For several months now, the presidential palace and superintendent's residence have been engulfed by grass.

On two occasions, the Gbarnga City Corporation had used fire to clear the bush around the presidential palace and Administrative Building, seat of the local county administration.

He wondered why the county leadership would allow these facilities to stand in grass when they have received millions of dollars for development purposes over the years.

"Coming to the County and seeing these facilities that we constructed in grass has brought tears to my eyes.

"I just can't understand what exactly it will take for the County leadership to maintain these facilities when thousands of United States Dollars are being placed in the budget every year to keep them in tight" he adds.

Dr. Jackson told scores of Bong County citizens at the sports stadium on Sunday, that he has returned to Liberia to foster development in Bong County.

Raney is an aspirant for the senate seat in Bong County in the ensuing 2023 presidential and legislative elections. He has contested twice and lost.

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