Liberia: Young Liberian Mohammed Bah Makes Strive to Improve Education in Liberia As He Identifies With Yalohn Town Public School in Margibi

Kakata — Young Liberian Mohammed Bah, a Liberian student studying at the University of Rochester in the U.S. and his local NGO Moijama Education Foundation Inc, has donated copybooks and other school items to the Yalohn Town Public School in Margibi County.

Bah, following the donation of copybooks and other items used the occasion to speak to the kids about the importance of education and as well admonished them to be steadfast in their quest to soar higher in their educational journey.

According to him, it was his first time visiting the school after making several donations to the school while away in the US schooling.

He said the visit was geared toward inspecting the construction of the school, and also identifying with the students by distributing copybooks as they prepare for the upcoming school year.

"I want to encourage you all not to give up even though at times it is going to be difficult and rocky, your parents saw it necessary to send you to school, and that should inspire you to ensure that you make them proud in becoming the next leaders and technocrats of this country," Bah said.

He used the occasion to challenge the students to continue forging ahead amid the difficulties they faced to complete their primary education at the Yalohn Town school and later move to Kakata City, where they will continue their education in both junior and secondary school.

"I hope you all will continue to advance your education upon graduating from this school which stop to six-Grade and keep advancing to the next available school to complete high school, and graduate with flying colors -- go to college and graduate and start living a fulfilling professional life while also serving humanity by giving back to your community," he added. The school principal for his part lauded Bah for his usual assistance to the school through the Moijana foundation where they've been very supportive to over 200 students and 31 towns through the school.

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