Liberians Must Think Beyond the Issue of Weah's Re-Election


Liberians Must Think Beyond the Issue of Weah's Re-election

.... Weah doesn't mind putting inept people in positions of responsibility. He can control inept and corrupt people. Weah's supporters always clamor that he "loves the country... " Of course, he has to, Liberia has given him so much.

Editor's note: The views expressed in this commentary are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent that of the Daily Observer newspaper.

If anything, the recent senate confirmation hearings of Darlington Karnley for the post of head of Liberian aviation have epitomized how careless and clueless Dr. Dr. (Rev.?) President George Weah is about his job.

Karnley was nominated back in June to take the position. His biography placed on the President's official website described him as a manager at Boeing. But when he showed up at the Senate, he brought another resume that contradicted everything on the presidential website. He said he doesn't work for the Executive Mansion and doesn't know anything about what was posted by the President's office.

The Executive Mansion has yet to react. No investigation. Weah is probably not aware of all this. Anything goes. Aviation is a very serious issue. It is costly, in every way. Airplanes and airports are at the top of the transportation system. From being the regional hub for tens of airlines in the 1980s, Liberia has fallen off the radar. Revitalizing the system requires qualified personnel, funding, and a strategic plan.

The man sent forward to occupy such a sensitive and strategic position is a college dropout with a certificate in maintenance. This appointment shows that Weah likes mediocrity. Something we all knew. That's what makes him a danger to the nation.

Weah doesn't mind putting inept people in positions of responsibility. He can control inept and corrupt people. Weah's supporters always clamor that he "loves the country... " Of course, he has to, Liberia has given him so much.

How does he pay back? He dismantles and weaponizes every institution that holds the state together. He sabotages everything like a kid with toys. If Weah cares for and has respect for the City of Monrovia, he would not put it at the mercy of this man who had never held a job prior and was kicked out of school.

How much love and concern does he show for Liberia to nominate someone with a "partial degree" to run the national aviation? Weah is a danger because he is careless and inept, with no sense of responsibility. But he knows how to use power: on one hand, he has the advisers of the two past dictators and on the other, he has a band of young people with no qualifications for their jobs. The formers are happy to return to power and the latters would do anything to please him.

He is the same teenager who broke into stardom and lived with the adulation of crowds until he was too old to impress in stadiums. For him, the presidency is an extension of his football career. His fame made him president. He truly believes the world is here to cheer him on, that he is a gift from God.

Does he know what goes on? Does he care? The questions should be reversed: does he understand his job? Can he care about anything but the trappings of power? Simple pleasures he couldn't enjoy growing up in Claratown as he likes to repeat? Now everything is given to him. From expensive sneakers to private jets.

Weah's ineptitude is well reflected in the appointments he makes. One just needs to look at Monrovia City Hall. Fish rots from the head. The US sanctions imposed on government officials could not go any higher without getting to Weah himself.

Does he understand the magnitude of international embarrassment and national shame? With all the critical issues going on around the world, things really had to be bad for the US to go after 3 officials in small Liberia. How can so much bad happen under his watch? Totally inept or the master of the corrupt system.

In his moment of panic, Weah suspended his officials immediately after the sanctions were imposed on them. He trapped himself. He has no choice but to fire them. Then when more sanctions come, he would have no choice but to suspend and fire. Anything to the contrary would be standing up to the US.

We may call it what we want but in truth, the relationship between Liberia and the US is one of dependency. Liberia has refused to mature and feels comfortable as a "stepchild." Until the US speaks on Liberian issues, nothing happens. Who created the false bio for Darlington and posted it on the Mansion's website? How can his most trusted lieutenants be involved in so many corrupt practices without his knowledge?

Along with those officials indicted by the Liberia Anti Corruption Commission, there are at least 7 high-level persons accused of corruption. Kleptocracy. These sanctions are not meant to make Weah change his behavior; he can't and it's too late for that. The situation is beyond redemption. Liberians must think beyond the issue of Weah's re-election.

About the Author: Abdoulaye Dukule is an Adjunct Professor, at George Washington University.

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