Rwanda: New Monthly Gospel Concert to Be Introduced in Kigali

1 September 2022

The Prayer House is set to introduce a monthly gospel concert dubbed 'Igicaniro Concert Series.' It is a gospel concert that is scheduled to take place every first Sunday of the month at the church located in Kicukiro, with the first concert kicking off on Sunday, September 4.

Organised jointly with RG Consult, the concert aims at creating an event and space for people to get together once every month, worship and praise alongside some of the famous gospel artistes.

Speaking to The New Times about the event Axelle Umutesi, Communications Consultant at RG-Consult revealed that there hasn't been a consistent gospel show in Rwanda, so this is to cater to the Christian audience and gospel music lovers.

Starting Sunday, she says gospel singer Luc Ubuntu will be performing live at The Prayer House as the concert kicks off for its first time.

Olivier Kavutse, the founder of The Prayer House shared that 'Igicaniro Concert Series' is a great opportunity for gospel musicians who don't get a chance to host their own gospel concerts.

"It is a good experience for gospel music since there aren't many concerts for the genre like musicians who do other kinds of music. This will be coming every month and we will make use of our space at The Prayer House. The performers will be paid to support their music, which is why the concert is not free", says Kavutse.

"This is a Christian rendezvous," he added, "Christians should plan to attend the concert every month and it indeed will be a great time. The concert will give gospel music lovers a monthly event and create a platform to rising gospel singers with an opportunity of sharing their gifts."

Entrance fees at the concert for early birds go for Rwf5, 000 for regular, Rwf10, 000 VIP and Rwf30, 000 VVIP. Tickets at the gate are at Rwf10, 000 for regular, Rwf20, 000 VIP and Rwf50, 000 VVIP. The gate will be open at 5 pm.

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