Liberia: 'Unserious Minded Politicians', Min. Tonpo Describes Gongloe, Cummings

1 September 2022

Deputy Information Minister for Press and Public Affairs Jarlawah Tonpo says presidential hopeful Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe and Mr. Alexander B. Cummings are unserious-minded - politicians.

Speaking recently at the Ministry of Information, Tonpo accused Gongloe of constantly passing around and using sarcasm and unsubstantiated statements against the presidency.

He alleged that the renowned Liberian human rights lawyer has also been using invectives against the country's presidency.

But Tonpo said the Liberian people are not prepared to entrust the country to unserious-minded - politicians like Cllr. Gongloe.

Minister Tonpo included Mr. Alexander B. Cummings who heads both the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC) and the relaunched Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) in his verbal attacks against Cllr. Gongloe.

Tonpo alleged that both Cllr. Gongloe and Mr. Cummings are arrogantly making all kinds of ridiculous statements that have no basis in truth because they want to be known and favored by the Liberian people.

"Please go and tell Cllr. Gongloe and Mr. Cummings, if they are not listening to us that all their statements they are making, let them enjoy themselves because it's freedom of speech and so they can insult whoever they want," said Tonpo.

"However, the Liberian people that I interact with every day ... are not prepared to put the country in the hands of unserious-minded - people," he added.

He alleged that Gongloe and Cummings believe in the Monrovia - based governance system and that is misleading them.

"I am not even sure that they will ever become president," Minister Tonpo noted.

He further indicated that it's so frustrating that Cllr. Gongloe who is pretending to be the government in waiting will be using such invectives against the presidency and be teaching the younger generation insults and hate.

Mr. Tonpo, however, refused to state some of the sarcastic statements used by the opposition politicians against the President.

But he insisted that the unnecessary statements against the presidency will not help them, rather, they will just make situations worse because Liberians have resolved not to vote for unserious politicians.

"People think we should go after them and do the same thing, but we will not because we are professional and ethical," he explained.

Tonpo narrated that the way people conduct their homes is the way the children look at them and follow in their footsteps.

He said a political leader who gets on public radio and insults the government, makes misleading comments and says the worst things just to get the attention of the people is not a good father.

"Every now and then, Cllr. Gongloe gets on public radio or addresses the media, he talks loosely and unnecessarily, forgetting to know that lawyers speak with facts," Mr. Tonpo alleged.

"I expect him to speak with facts. He always [makes] statements that sometimes make me wonder where [are] we?" he continued.

He said Gongloe's statements leave him to always wonder "how is this man going to govern this country?"

"A good father is that person who will call his children together every morning during devotion and tell his children how to speak, when and who to speak against," Tonpo added.

Concluding, he urged that it should be a concern to all the Liberian people about how somebody who cannot manage their own political party would want to lead Liberian.

He said Liberians should ponder about such person insulting national leaders on a public platform and making unnecessary statements. -Edited by Winston W. Parley

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