Liberia: House Summons Education Minister Over 'Disproportional Increment in Tuition, Confusing Graduation and School Reopening Dates'

Monrovia — Lawmakers at the House of Representatives have summoned Education Minister, Professor Ansu Dao Sonii, Sr. to appear before its plenary on Tuesday, September 6 to provide clarity over activities leading to the reopening of school.

The decision was derived based on communications from several lawmakers, seeking their colleagues' acquiescence to invite Minister Sonni to address issues of hike in school fees and the confusion over the dates of graduation and reopening of school.

The lawmakers include Representatives Marvin Cole (District #3, Bong County), Roger S.W.Y. Domah, I, (District #7, Nimba County) and Alexander Poure, (District #1, River Gee County).

In his communication, Rep. Cole said it is confusing that the Ministry will set the date for reopening of school on September 5, 2022 while at the same time graduation ceremonies are being conducted and some are scheduled on, and after the official date for reopening school.

The Bong County lawmaker also wants Education Minister Sonni to state whether there is a fixed policy that guide schools across the country in deriving at graduation fees.

He also wants the Ministry of Education to provide academic time table for the resumption of schools for academic 2022/2023; taking into consideration the climatic condition to avoid health hazard for school going kids.

In their joint communication, Reps. Domah and Poure, begged Plenary to invite the Minister of Education to give reasons why there is "so much disproportional increment of school fees and other incidental costs ahead of the commencement of the new academic year 2022/2023."

Following the reading of the Communications, a motion was proffered by Maryland County Electoral District #3 Representative Dr. Isaac Roland for the appearance of the Education Minister next Tuesday.

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