Nigeria: Labour Party Positioned to Usher in a New Nigeria - Amadichi

2 September 2022

As the 2023 general elections, gradually approaches,the Chairman Diaspora committee of the Labour Party Hon Chibuike Amadichi, has disclosed that the party and it's presidential flag bearer Mr Peter Obi, is positioned to usher the birth of a "New Nigeria" if elected into office in the 2023 elections.

He disclosed this yesterday in Abuja at the inauguration of the 11 man diaspora committee of the party.

Speaking at the event Amadichi said,"Today is a remarkable day for me and our great party, and it is a thing of joy to stand here today to be counted and to serve our people in the Diaspora.

"2023 General Election is a special electioneering year because it is an election that all Nigerians both home and in Diaspora are fully involved in, to see the birth of a New Nigeria.

"Peter Obi and Labour Party has been positioned to lead the New Nigeria. I am delighted to be part of this project for a new Nigeria, today I can make bold to say that, Labour Party is the long awaited Third force.

"A few months ago, they said Labour Party had no structure, but today Labour Party is not only building structures nationwide in Nigeria, but also advancing its frontiers beyond the shores of Nigeria.

"This Diaspora Committee will work tirelessly to reposition our great party and build new partnership with our people in the Diaspora especially in major countries of the world like the USA, UK, Canada, Germany, South Africa just to mention but a few.

He disclosed further that members of the party in the diaspora are willing to identify with Labour Party and also ready to support the Party and its Presidential candidate.

He assured Nigerians that the Labour party will form a new government that will midwife a new Nigeria with a man of proven integrity and competence as the President.

"We want a new Nigeria where everyone of us can be proud to call his or her own country a new Nigeria where everyone can be free and operate without any fear or favour"said Amadichi.

He added that Labour Party will give equal opportunity to all the Party members home and abroad, "what a party member is entitled to here in Nigeria, a party member in Diaspora will also be entitled to same benefits as we await the birth of a new Nigeria where Nigerians in the Diaspora can gladly come home to invest in, a new Nigeria where Nigerians in Diaspora can cast their votes.

"A new Nigeria where Nigerians in Diaspora can willingly come back home to serve in Labour Party/Peter Obi led government."He stated.

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