Liberia: Rep. Clarence Massaquoi Wants Failed Contractors Denied New Contracts

Monrovia — Lofa County Representative Clarence Massaquoi says the construction of sub-standards roads across the country is a waste of taxpayers' money.

Representative Massaquoi said the contractors continue to underperform despite the huge sum of money allotted for the construction of roads, claiming there are people who continue to seek their interest.

"We have to be very careful when it comes to the value of money and we have raised it with our leadership," he said.

He noted that an example of poor performance is the East International company that is constructing the Roberts International Airport Highway which has become a death trap for users.

"You go on the highway, I will encourage the media to go there and see the substandard work being done by East International," he said.

Representative Massaquoi claimed the problem is not only with East International but other contractors including SSF, and CHICO, noting they take more than a decade to construct roads that are not of good quality.

According to him, such is a disservice to the Liberian people who continue to pay taxes and are not getting the needed expectations as well as the donors.

Addressing the press on Tuesday in Monrovia, he said there is a need for lawmakers to ensure that the citizens benefit from the value of their money.

The Lofa County Lawmaker recommended that those companies that are not performing should be denied contracts.

"Company comes, they are giving contracts and gave a guarantee to build our roads. It would take 10 to 15 years for the construction but the road begins to break up in less than three years and the same contractor is been awarded contracts. I think that there has to be a motive," he added.

Representative Massaquoi claimed the Public Works officials should be investigated for continuously awarding contracts to poorly performing companies.

The Lawmaker stressed "A responsible government is not only about the Executive but the lawmakers have a role to play and we should monitor question failure," he added.

At the same time, Representative Massaquoi has disagreed with the amendment to elections law, noting such is troubling because it has the propensity to create chaos.

"We went into a period of war because dome people felt marginalized so we cannot trail that path as such we have to right to protect anything that would cause that," he added. According to him, reforms are not done prior to elections, especially in a short period of the process, noting that such is not credible as it is an attempt to thwart the rules.

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