Liberia: AFELL Boss Appreciates Pres. Weah As IT Adopts Five Years Strategic Plan

Monrovia — The President of the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) has expressed profound thanks and appreciation to the 'Chief Feminist,' President George Weah for accepting the call of the organization to nominate a Female Chief Justice of Liberia.

It can be recalled on March 26, 2022 at the Liberia National Bar Association General Assembly and Law Day programs, AFELL made a resounding call on the President of Liberia, to nominate a female Chief Justice.

President George Weah recently nominated Associate Justice of the Supreme Court bench, Cllr. Sie-A-Nyene Gyapay Yuoh as the new Chief Justice and has since been confirmed by the Liberian Senate.

She will now replace Chief Justice Francis Saye Korkpor who will be meeting the constitutional limit or age of 70 years this September 2022.

Speaking over the weekend at the climax of a two-day meeting over the adoption of a five year strategic plan of the organization, Atty. Philomena Williams said the record reflects, since 1848, out of 25 Chief Justices, we have had only 2 female Chief Justices.

"AFELL expresses profound thanks and appreciation to our Chief Feminist, His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah for his kind consideration to nominate the 3rd Female Chief Justice, who is a member of AFELL. Mr. President, please be assured that Chief Justice, Her Honor Sie-A-Nyene Gyapay Yuoh possesses the competence and integrity to lead the third branch of the Government of Liberia," the AFELL President said.

Article 68 Sections (a) and (b) of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia empowers the President to appoint as Chief Justice, "a) a citizen of Liberia and of good moral character and b) a counselor of the Supreme Court Bar who has practiced for five years."

AFELL also congratulates two more members in persons of its Chair of the Program Unit, Atty. Patmilia Doe Paivey and Cllr. Niveda C. Ricks-Onuoha for their nomination by the President of Liberia as Commissioners of The Independent National Human Rights Commission.

In a related development, officials and members of the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) have adopted a five year strategic plan that will ensure the promotion, protection and advancement of the rights of women, children and indigents in Liberia and beyond.

The decision follows a two-day sitting discussing issues surrounding the development of a strategic plan and other issues of paramount concerns. The strategic plan runs from 2022-2027. In a statement, the President of AFELL says the organization utilized the conventional four-step model to develop the plan.

They include Situation Analysis that looks at AFELL currently; future destination determination which catalogued where the organization wants to be in the next five years; strategy development on how AFELL intends to get to where it wants to be in the next five years; and the implementation plan on the implementation of the plan will be managed, monitored and evaluated.

According to Atty. Philomena Tugbe Williams, in the next five years they will focus on critical issues and activities, specifically targeting women and children as it relates to the prevention and elimination of all forms of abuse and violence, child's protection, women participation in politics/leadership, and gender insensitive laws reform, among others.

She said "We will conduct analysis of the current extensiveness of violence and abuse, and take a multilevel advocacy approach expected to have a long term transformational global impact relating to the rights and protection of women and children of today and future generation."

At the same time, the AFEEL boss believes the plan will increase women participation in politics and leadership. Speaking further, Atty. Williams said AFELL will structure a Plan that addresses exposure to violence that harms child's development.

Meanwhile, the AFELL boss lauded all partners for the supports over the years. She said "We give God the glory, for his continuous guidance and pray for His direction to lead us on a journey of legal firmness.

Let us please observe a moment of silence as we memorialize all of our fallen colleagues, particularly the most recently departed Cllr. Annie Wesley Swen. It's is no doubt she would have made meaningful contribution to the development of our Strategic Plan with the knowledge, skills, and experience she acquired over the years in the practice of law and other professions."

"We wish to express appreciation to the Board of Directors and Advisors for their leadership and guidance. To the officers and members, thank you for your commitment to foster AFELL's Mission amidst the challenges. We appreciate our international partners for your support to our programs. To the Irish Embassy, thank you for selecting AFELL to participate in your scholarship program. We congratulate Atty. Mmonbeydo Joah, AFELL's candidate for the Master Degree in Human Rights. It is our fervent hope and trust that you will make a significant change in promoting human rights in Liberia. His Excellency, Ambassador, Uchenna Emelonye, and members of the Office of the High Commissioners of Human Rights, thank you for the 100% percent support to facilitate the development of AFELL's Strategic Plan 2022-2027. Thank you for trusting in our competence as women lawyers to promote and protect human rights," she added.

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