Liberia: On 2nd Thoughts - When Things Fall Apart

5 September 2022

I must confess on one or two occasions I have been down this road before, where I allowed my emotions to get the better of me-something I have regretted greatly.

Having said that, last week, social media pages were buzzed with podcasts from former Deputy Information Minister Eugene Fahngon detailing what he described as nepotism and corruption in the current George Weah administration.

Mr. Fahngon until his dismissal, served as deputy minister for information for nearly four years defending the administration's deeds and propagating its agenda

There was nothing negative about the Coalition for Democratic Change or CDC government in the eyes of Mr. Fahngon.

In fact, in one of his famous live videos filmed at the Zone 5 Police Depot in Congo Town, where Bomi County Senator Edwin Snowe had gone to secure the release of one of his staff or so, Fahngon informed his audience then that the Weah regime was a complete departure from previous administrations, that Snowe and his likes would have a rude awakening-that was until things fell apart.

Fahngon in his now famous podcast not only accused the Weah regime of nepotism but also of corruption.

In his Facebook podcast, the former deputy minister alleges that President Weah is running a nepotistic government and he (Fahngon) would not be stupid to campaign for Weah's re-election in 2023.

He says nepotism is being practiced at the top hierarchy of the government pointing to the head of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) Emma Glasco whose husband is a senior consultant at the Liberia Maritime Authority.

Fahngon wonders how he is supposed to campaign for President Weah's second term bid when Janga Kowo is Comptroller General of Liberia, while his wife chairs the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC).

He also names Mr. Pepsi Yeke as head of the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment, while his wife, Madam Camerna C. Yeke is deputy director at NASSCORP.

He maintains that he would never campaign for the President when Mr. Weah's stepson washes his vehicle with Champaign that costs US$350 per bottle at a time most Liberians are hungry.

Fahngon continues that Madam Saifuah Gray is President of the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) and her brother Molewuleh B. Gray, is head of the National Investment Commission, adding that he cannot campaign for the President's second term bid for an unnamed little girl to ride a car that costs US$47,000.

He also accused Maritime Commissioner Eugene Nagbe of riding a US$98,000 SUV vehicle, while his sister Obusore Diggs, heads the Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA).

Fahngon adds that Deputy Speaker Cllr. Fornati Koffa is a best friend of President, and his wife, Dr. Dama Yekeson-Koffa is deputy chief administrator of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.

Interestingly, these individuals did not ascend to the positions mentioned herein by Fahngon overnight. They were well in these positions before his dismissal. But chose to keep quiet and continue to defend the very same administration as being better than previous regimes before it.

Now, he expects Liberians to see him, as a whistleblower one who now speaks in their interest? Fahngon is not a whistle-blower here. In fact, he is a beneficiary of the same regime he is now bringing into disrepute and therefore cannot claim to be exposing its vices.

You know, often, people tend to become explosive out of deep-rooted hurt and disappointments. They then resort to going all out publicly revealing things that were either once said in private or in confidence when things fall apart.

The downside of this is that it makes the road to reconciliation much longer than it would have been when things had stay as they were.

Fahngon has only found it compelling to tell it all and paint a ghastly picture of the Weah regime as a way of getting back at it to win public sentiment, but he has for the years he worked in the same administration benefitted immensely as well.

But to the contrary, his outburst has become a double-edged sword, making him a victim of his own account and bringing his integrity into question-Why now?

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