Ghana: Police Investigate Death of Krachi East MCE ... As Residents Mourn

6 September 2022

Kumasi — The Ashanti Regional Police Command has commenced investigations into the circumstances surrounding the death of Francis Kofi Okesu, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Krachi East, in the Oti Region.

The MCE, who was also the Dean of Oti Regional Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs), was found dead in a hotel room, at Kentikrono, in the Oforikrom Municipality of Ashanti, at the weekend.

Ashanti Regional Police Public Affairs Unit's Head, Assistant Superintendent of Police(ASP) Godwin Ahyiano, had confirmed the death.

He indicated that preliminary investigation has so far, established that MrOkesuaccompanied by his driver, checked in at the Harbed House Hotel, September 2, 2022.

"The MCE, was, however, not seen on September 4, and all efforts made by both his driver and the hotel authority to reach him on his cell phone proved unsuccessful," ASP Ahyiano said.

The police said when the door to the hotel room was forced open,the body of the MCE was found on the bed.

MrOkesuwas pronounced dead by a medical officer at the KomfoAnokye Teaching Hospital and the body was deposited at the mortuary at the same hospital for autopsy while investigations continued.

As at the time of filing this report, the Head of the Regional Security Council (REGSEC), and Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah, were yet to comment on the death.It was not immediately known what brought him to Kentikrono.

In a related development, Samuel Agbewode, reports from Dambaithat residents of the Krachi-East Municipality, have been thrown into a state of mourning, following the death of MrOkensu.

The Nkwanta -South MCE, Mr Bright Kwame Lenwah, said news of the death of his colleague had come as a shock. He stated that the late Okensu was a role model to the youth of Oti, and had sound relationship with all the people.

The Oti Regional Youth Organiser of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr Yaw Ade, said MrOkensu's demise was a big blow to the party.

A close friend of the late MCE, Mr Enoch Amegbletor, said he was saddened by the death of MrOkensu.

Meanwhile, some residents appealed to the government to thoroughly investigate the cause of death of Mr Okensu

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