Liberia: Vice Principal Receives 'Weah Honor of Nationalism' Award

6 September 2022

The newly appointed Vice Principal for Students Affairs at the Baptist-run Lott Carey Mission School in Brewerville outside Monrovia, Ms. Kimberline A.C. Annan, has received the 'George Manneh Weah Honor of Nationalism' for her outstanding contribution to society.

The award was bestowed upon Ms. Annan by the Mayor of Monrovia Jefferson Koijee, on behalf of the President.

Giving a background of the honor, the director for internal operations at the Monrovia City Corporation, Mr. Caine Andrews said, Ms. Annan is the first recipient of said honor, which according to him, came into existence as a result of President Weah's numerous sacrifices he continues to make for the people of Liberia and the country at large.

He said Mr. Weah left his comfort zones in Europe and America and came to Liberia, where he carried out several humanitarian projects as well as other parts of Africa.

The MCC operation director explained that President Weah used his name and fame to take guns out of the hands of child soldiers and help save a generation that was emotionally shattered by the civil war.

For his part, Mayor Koijee praised Ms. Kimberline A.C. Annan for serving humanity, noting that the recipient is a young lady, who acquired a Master's degree abroad, returned to the country and didn't bother about either the "big show" jobs or government jobs but decided to serve her alma mater to prepare the next generation of young people who will contribute to the development of Liberia.

Mayor Koijee continued that like the case of President Weah, Ms. Annan is showing the way to the next generation of Liberians that, regardless of "Who we are or what we have acquired, our country needs us first above all to positively impact the lives of the next generation."

He revealed that the "George Weah Honor of Nationalism" is a flagship program of the Monrovia City Government that seeks to recognize Liberians, who have left their comfort zones, returned to the Motherland and are making a meaningful impact in building the educational system, promoting nationalism and social development.

In remarks, the honoree, Ms. Kimberline Annan thanked the Monrovia City Corporation for the honor bestowed on her.

"This honor has made [me to] think deeply, mostly and it shows how sometimes even modest individuals' efforts can be recognized without any political attachment."

According to her, she believes if Liberians unite and join hands void of political interest and work together in ways that are impactful, Liberia will speedily achieve national development.

"I didn't just succeed as Vice Principal of the Lott Carey Mission School, but now as the George M. Weah Honor of Nationalism I'll do all in my powers to make good use of this opportunity afforded me."

She said prior to her appointment as vice principal for students' affairs at the Lott Carey Baptist Mission School, she acquired a bachelor's degree from the United Methodist University and later went to Eastern Europe where she earned a Master's degree in International Relations from the Near East University in Northern Cyprus.

The honoring program, which took place at the Monrovia City Corporation in Monrovia brought together scores of officials of the MCC, family members of the recipient, students, community residents, and well-wishers. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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