Liberia: Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence Eyes Vice Standard Bearer Post On UP Ticket Despite Lacking Party Legitimacy

Monrovia — The Chairman of Liberty Party, Musa Bility, has flayed attention being attached to the potential choice of Senator Nyonblee Karngar-Lawrence to go as running mate to Unity Party standard bearer Joseph Boakai ahead of the 2023 presidential elections under the party.

Bility noted that the choice of who becomes running mate from the party was an exclusive preserve of its members, not someone who's is facing suspension, saying it's "an unnecessary distraction and an exercise in futility."

Taking to his Facebook page, Bility wrote: "In the coming days, the Liberty Party will, once and for all, take decisive actions to halt this nonsense that has now turned into a canvass for a running mate slot that will never happen. We have had it. It ends now!"

Bility's statement comes days after some partisans of the Unity Party projected the Grand Bassa County senator as a potential Liberty Party running mate choice to Boakai.

The Liberty Party had informed the public not to do business with Karngar-Lawrence because she has been "fraudulently using the title of Political Leader of the party to organize activities purported to be under the auspices of the party.

The party through its National Secretary, Martin Kollah, said: "The Liberty Party wishes to inform the public that Sen. Lawrence is not authorized to act in any

capacity on behalf of the party and anyone doing business with her is doing so at his/her own risk."

Kollah said the party has distanced itself from last week's fund-raising program organized by Sen. Karngar-Lawrence in the name of the party, adding that it didn't sanction any such fundraiser.

"That funds collected were not for use by any sanctioned LP activities, and

that those who participated did so at his/her own risk as the Party didn't authorize any such activity."

"Despite having been expelled from their offices in LP since March 5, 2022, the National Elections Commission Ruling and Supreme Court judgment, confirming the validity of the LP Constitution, and several warnings from LP to desist, Sen. Lawrence Karngar-Lawrence, Sen. Abraham Darius Dillon, Mr. Kla Edward Toomey, and Mr. Daniel Sando continue to unauthorizedly issue public statements in the party's name and illegally conduct a parallel "LP".

"As such, the LP has begun the internal process, as required by its constitution, to immediately expel these individuals from the Party. LP informs the public that pronouncements from these individuals are not the position of the party and should not be considered as such."

Amid suspicion that Karngar-Lawrence continues to hold meetings with Liberians in the United States of America (USA) and fraudulently purporting to be "LP-USA", Kollah said the party only legitimate LP Diaspora Chapter in the USA (LP-USA) has been duly and legally registered and incorporated (Certificate #6787399) in the state of Delaware, USA under the name LIBERTY PARTY USA and dba LP-USA. "Individuals purporting to be officials of LP-USA or acting in the name of LP-USA are advised to immediately cease and desist as they are committing business impersonation, which is the unauthorized use of an existing brand name, and this is a crime under United States law," he said.

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