Ghana: ECG Recovers Gh¢3 Million Debt From Customers in Sekondi-Takoradi

7 September 2022

Takoradi — The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) in the Western Region on Monday recovered GH¢3 million owed by customers in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, in the Western Region.

The amount which, formed part of GH¢8 million owed the company, was collected on the first day of a two-week exercise to be undertaken by the Revenue Mobilisation Taskforce in the Western Region with support from the National Taskforce.

In an interview with the Ghanaian Times, the Western Regional Communication Officer of the ECG, Mr Benjamin Quarcoo, said John Bittar, a wood processing company, presented a cheque for GH¢1.3 million to defray its GH¢1.4million debt.

He said Takoradi Technical University (TTU) paid GH¢700,000 out of its GH¢3.9 million debt, and agreed to honour a debt schedule for repayment.

Mr Quarcoo said, other customers, who could not agree on any repayment plan, had electricity to their facilities disconnected.

He said "The team will go to all defaulting customers to recover their debts and also check the integrity of their service meters to determine whether they are paying for the right amount of energy used."

MrQuarcooexplained that defaulting customers would either be required to pay on the spot, agree on a debt schedule for repayment or have electricity to their facilities disconnected.

The Western Regional Commercial Manager of ECG,Mr Emmanuel Sam, told the Ghanaian Times that, the company was in dire financial straits and would recover every debt owed it.

The Western Region Asset Protection Manager of ECG, John Quayson,gave the assurance that persons, who would give credible information that can lead to the arrest of customers using electricity illegally, would earn 30 percent of monies recovered.

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